Why do so many Christians and Jews ignore the words of Jesus and Moses?

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by OPTIONAL777, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. If you want to take credit for occasionally getting it right like the twice-daily broken clock that you are, you're gonna have to balance that out by also admitting when you're wrong.

    I do it all the time, how about you?... and yet you continually insist that <i>I'm</i> the one who needs a lesson in humility?
    #31     Mar 20, 2009
  2. Joe Granville made a career out of being right once a decade...

    So did Jean Dixon...she made her career on the prediction of the Kennedy assassination. Ooooooohh, psychic astrologer...LOL!

    So who is counting who is right and wrong? You apparently...of course the "right and wrong" is in the absence of fact.

    In any case, there is reality, then there are anonymous message boards like ET and the P&R forum, then there are the poor souls who confuse the two.

    It is pretty obvious what great pride you take in your pattern recognitions skills...so when it comes to applying those skills to me, why should I try to damage that pride of yours? It is much more interesting allowing you to stay in the darkness and make the wild guess.

    You will continue to believe whatever you like in the absence of fact, your "ET Towny" dodo birds of a feather flock will continue to together, and you think you are winning the game, because you think there is some game to win.

    Why should I introduce personal fact to alter the fun you must be having, right?

    A lesson in humility?

    You do it all the time?

    You must be joking mate...

    Humility is in the inner intention, not in the self gratification that comes from the approval from the audience. Humility is between you and your higher power, not between you and the "ET Townies."

    It is an inside job dude, 100%. A guy can go to a meeting and confess all of his sins to a group of strangers giving only his first name and his addiction in the process, and that will have no benefit in his recovery if he continues to lie to himself and those he genuinely cares about. Shit...anyone see the Oprah Hollywood style confessionals on the telly and in the gossip rags, complete with drama, crying, self absorption, and the full complement of the narcissist falsely humbling themselves to the camera and the audience.

    That's all just show business.

    Get real...this ET Town ain't real...and you darn well know it.

    I know the lies you tell yourself. It has been said "you are only as sick as your secrets" but secrets kept from whom? To whom does it matter that a person is rigorously honest with? "The ET townies?" LOL!

    Now ask your pattern recognition skills: Am I telling the truth?

    ...and are you really keeping it real?

    No need to answer those questions to me, for though I might or might not be in your head from time to time...in either case, I am not the one that is really in need of the answer, or the one to practice rigorous honesty with.

    #32     Mar 20, 2009
  3. THE Jesus seminar, a group of 150 bible scholars, determined that only about 20% of the sayings attributed to jesus in the bible actually happened:

    The Seminar concluded that of the various statements in the "five gospels" attributed to Jesus, only about 18% of them were likely uttered by Jesus himself (red or pink). The Gospel of John fared worse than the synoptic gospels, with nearly all its passages attributed to Jesus being judged inauthentic
    #33     Mar 20, 2009
  4. Christianity in action...
    #34     Mar 20, 2009