Why do ET's Gurus Get Mad When You Ask For Proof?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by MandelbrotSet, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. I love the use of the words "respond to us" showing how cult like you guys are.

    Also, you are also freely admitting to really only existing to be Hershey detractors and nothing more. I'm not even a lawyer and I can lead you exactly where I want you to go and what I want you to say.



    #61     Feb 9, 2009
  2. Geoff36


    You still have the aroma of crumbs from Washington Sqaure in your nose. Makes quite a fine dish mixed with the cumbs and applesauce what you get from Alex as his new director of shilling.

    Cuddle and kiss for free PukeTick room time.
    #62     Feb 9, 2009
  3. ==============================
    Maybe because the Kool-aid kids are simply used to people drinking thier sugar spike product. Dont tell anyone, i drank some Koolaid when i was younger,LOL

    And hey, kool-aid may not be healthy, but not all of it is poison----- Cool :cool: :D
    #63     Feb 9, 2009
  4. T2GR8T


    Jack doesn't get mad.. he just slinks off the site with his tail between his legs when someone challenges him to a trading contest :p
    #64     Apr 19, 2009