Why did you delete the "WHY ISRAEL IS AFTER ME" thread modorator??

Discussion in 'Politics' started by WAEL012000, May 13, 2007.

  1. Damn if getting some posts deleted on elitetrader.com is the worst thing that happens to you all week you're going to have a WONDERFUL week!

    If someone took a shit on your yard and you removed it, wouldn't you be upset if he came back and asked you what you did with it??
    #11     May 13, 2007
  2. Obviously, Baron had some weighing to do!

    I mean, after all, I am not putting food on his table...They are!!!

    Take care ratboy
    #12     May 13, 2007
  3. TGregg


    #13     May 13, 2007
  4. Yep, and as I have pointed out in the past, it's the other conspiracy theorists that are drawn to this type of rubbish. Apparently there is some correlation between anti-Semitism and obsession with conspiracy theories.

    The International Conspiracy Of Zionist Bankers are the ones that are responsible for all the evils in the world.

    I few weeks ago I asked wael why it was that, if the Jews were so evil, it was Radical Muslims who butcher not only non-Muslims (which is apparently what the Qu'ran tells them to do) but each other in such immense numbers. I asked why it was that radical Muslims have sworn to kill me, a Canadian citizen of with no religious affiliation, simply because I am a member of a society which they say is sinful. I asked why it was that the Jews haven't told me recently that I will be beheaded because I do not accept their god as my god.

    I asked wael why it was that in their places of worship, women are forced to pray behind a wall. I asked why it was that a young teenage girl in a Muslim community was hanged by the neck until she was dead because she was flirting with a young man, I asked why the Jews hadn't been hanging their children lately. I asked why a young Iranian musician had has wrists surgically broken by the Religious Police because he was playing Beatles tunes on his hammered dulcimer (he later fled Iran and ended up in Canada). I asked why the Jews hadn't recently mutilated their children for playing Beatles music.

    I asked wael why it was that the Jews seem able to produce such a ridiculously high number of Nobel Prize winners, leading businessmen, scientists, academics, and entertainment heavyweights, as a ratio of the total number of Jews worldwide, which is vanishingly small. I asked why it was that the Radical Muslims had sworn that they would not rest until every Jew was wiped off the face of the earth. I asked why it was that the Jews have not said that they want to wipe any other people off the face of the earth.

    Wael actually responded to my questions quite politely. He did not call me names. Unfortunately, all he was able to say was 'These are good questions, Nik!'. He was not able to provide any answers. Perhaps this was because there is only one answer, and it is not very appealing.
    #14     May 13, 2007
  5. Hi wael

    Any comment about the situation in the Gaza Strip in the past few days? Again, we see sectarian murder among people who are claiming they are murdering in the name of God.

    Once again it amazes and confuses me that these people would be killing each other. Do we see Jews in the streets firing machine guns at each other? Do we ever see that? If not, why do you think it is that Jews never murder each other but Muslims do it in many countries in the world??

    The other day I read an article about how many Muslim deaths in Iraq are attributable to Muslims killing other Muslims. Sorry I don't have a link, but are you aware that the number of Muslims killed by US troops is something like 7% of the number killed by Muslims themselves? Why is that?

    Every day on the BBC news site I read about unbelievable numbers coming out of Iraq - 80 dead one day, 60 the next. All a result of sectarian killing.

    My question is - why do you think that Muslims kill each other like this, and why is it that Jews never kill each other?

    Any comments are appreciated.
    #15     May 17, 2007
  6. As you say, absolutely not! I just don't see any mention of these problems when this discussion takes place here. I am trying to differentiate between people who are interested in having a frank, open discussion about peace in the Middle East and the rabid Anti-Semites who spew their garbage on this site.

    As an aside, I had no clue about what virulent Anti-Semitism actually is until I got to ET. I guess I lived a sheltered life until now, with respect to this issue. It is shocking and disgusting, and it exemplifies weak-mindedness.

    I should also say that the numbers I mentioned are relevant for the period after the 'war' supposedly ended. I am speaking of the time after the fall of Saddam. I am certain that probably thousands of Iraqu civilians were killed during the invasion and capture phase of this 'war' and I am on record as saying that I do not and have not seen the point in the post-Saddam phase of this military action. Many times, I have asked the radical right on here to define what 'victory in Iraq' would look like and for some reason, they never respond.
    #16     May 17, 2007


    Absolutely Nik, lets keep it real. Iraq is a mess, lots of innocent Iraqi people are dying which is unexceptable.

    Its a pity the pro arab jew haters can't keep it real.
    #17     May 17, 2007
  8. 60% of the Democratic and Republican party's funding comes from your little ''innocent'' lobby... That fact kind of contradicts what you are saying here, does it not?

    Israel receives A LOT more aid than Egypt ever did, and the only reason Egypt receives some aid is because we have to support their Zio-puppet president.

    See here:
    #18     May 17, 2007
  9. Land for Jewish people only?


    The KKL sounds a lot like the KKK.
    #19     May 17, 2007
  10. man


    offrecords: did they talk eichmann to death then?
    #20     May 17, 2007