Why did my thread get deleted?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Scarface, May 5, 2006.

  1. Scarface


    Why did my thread asking what ET considers as Penny Stocks get deleted? I've tried sending PM's to Magna asking why my IIP thread got deleted and didn't even get a response so I posted a message here. What's the deal? Is it really that hard to just give me an answer?
  2. cuz u mentioned that shitty stock once again'n'u keep doin' so here as well, we not entirely stupid u know.
  3. Scarface


    ur right ur not stoopid. wez dun need to talk boots any stooocks wez dont leik. mez makin one thread onz da IIP stoocks is mentioning it again'n'againz.
  4. Scarface


    guezz mez no fit'n herez cuz mez no put head 'tweenz da legz when mez fartz.
  5. Scarface


    mez plan haz been foiled. posting 'boots IIP on a mezzage boardz dat getz da 10 postz a dayz wuz gonna makez it go threwz the roofz. now it'z gonna gonna downz like a 10 centz mexican hookerz. meez a bagholderz danks to ET deleting mez thread. :( :( :( youz guyz r 2 smartz for me stooopid paid pumperz. dats what I amz a paid pumperz. u shouldz get da medalz for beingz so smartz.
  6. what the fuzz?
  7. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

  8. oh!.... its in chiz chaz
  9. Ya gotta love it.....FUNNY.....:D