Why Climate Change is Natural

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. Mnphats


    Is the planet unstable?

    Was the stone age a result planet instability?

    How do you know what should be avoided?
    #11     Dec 15, 2009
  2. the oil industry is behind the conspiracies about climate change being an hoax.

    just read between the lines

    there is lots of money/power being transferred as countries agree to cap emissions and fossil fuels enter the road of demise that will dramatically change the face of the earth in the next 5 decades.

    this shift wont be implemented without major struggles and many backstage maneuvers that will attempt at any cost sabotage the shift towards cleaner energies.

    more taxation would occur in any case, some one has to pay for the deforestation of amazonia, pollution of seas and many other crimes that have destroyed much of out beloved planet.

    it is time to defend what remains of it.
    #12     Dec 15, 2009

  3. well i know stone age wiped out most of the life forms from face of the earth.

    hence, whenever possible, we should try to avoid something like that from happening again, as it might lead to the end our civilization.
    #13     Dec 15, 2009
  4. This is by the same organization which had it's conference paid for by big tobacco and big oil.


    You can't possibly be supporting big tobacco and big oil and their position in climate change issues unless you have some vested interest in those sectors
    #14     Dec 15, 2009
  5. Mnphats



    I think you need to read up a bit on the stone age.
    #15     Dec 15, 2009
  6. Lucrum


    Don't mammals exhale CO2 with every breath?

    I suggest all tree hugging MMGW alarmists do their part - and stop breathing immediately.

    There you go, problem solved.

    #16     Dec 15, 2009
  7. Evidently they can. That's what useful idiots are for. Otherwise, they wouldn't be useful idiots. It's a raison d'être kind of thing.

    P.S. Good attachment. I'll be adding it to another thread.
    #17     Dec 15, 2009
  8. loik


    Yes, disease is natural, and why is that?

    And how can it be neutralized?

    And what if all of this will result in more power to politicians/spacial interest etc at the expense of individuals?
    #18     Dec 16, 2009
  9. loik


    Man has glimpses of knowledge, i.e. man can only guess and make mistakes, i.e. man does not have all the facts, only a fraction of them.

    But man is not all-knowing?
    #19     Dec 16, 2009
  10. loik


    Who benefits more from useful idiots, collectivists or individualists(elections/herd mentality etc)?
    #20     Dec 16, 2009