Why Can't The South Move Forward?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. Yes, whites do have all white schools de facto. Naturally, in many all white areas. Blacks also have all black schools in black areas de facto. Yet, blacks also have nearly all black schools in mostly white areas due to mandatory "integration" policies. Now, blacks even have ACTUAL all black schools who only admit black pupils.

    I don't find this duplicity to be very "interesting". I find it highly offensive and discriminatory. I never said the minority is at fault, it's not fair for you to put words in my mouth that way. I do find fault in the fact that said minorities generally feel entitled to such benefits and the benefits of said duplicity, but would deny whites the same benefits. The minorities and the whites who endorse such policies also deny and condemn the notion that whites also have the same benefits to be hateful racism. Indeed any notion of white ethnocentricism is generally treated the same way. It's the double standard prevalent amongst the minorities (or anyone else ) which I find revolting.

    Yes, numbers control the game. Not only the numbers of votes, but the numbers of special interest dollars which help line election campaigns and the pockets of bureaucrats. The public has been lied to and is generally unaware of many of these schemes, and of their true extent.

    I do disagree. I'd say who walks down the corridors of power and the decisions they make are influenced, in no small measure, by the people and interests which line their pockets. The general public is woefully ignorant of political reality. It's what always happens when you have an over-sized government, industrialists always come take it over... When you keep your government small, there isn't much to take over, and it's far easier to keep transparent. More importantly, it keeps people more free....

    Despite the impression I may give, I am happy to see this apparent resurgence of self determination within the black community. I do not like that it tends to reinforce racial double standards, and anti white hate propaganda. I am however happy to see some notion of self determination within the black community. It's a part of what all this "multiculturalism" bullshit has destroyed.

    It's kind of like the black panthers, the original ones. Not the propped up "new black panther party" of today. The original black panthers were about black nationalism, and self policing of black neighborhoods in attempt to keep them safe, since the largely white police tended to ignore them. It was about tutoring and mentoring efforts in black schools, etc. It was a notion of black self determination that the welfare states, integration, victim identity pedaling and "multiculturalism" destroyed. I know there was much anti white racism and violent actions on their part too, but that wasn't the basis of the movement I don't believe.

    Blacks have historically been the beneficiaries of roughly 45% of the welfare resources. Nearly 4x their share of the population. There's lots of anti white discrimination in the dispersion of welfare resources as well... Since latin americans have started invading the nation, the black community has very much felt their presence vis a vis welfare distribution. Hence the growing tension between black and latin american communities and the growing notion of black self determination... The less they've been able to lean on big brother, the more the notion of self determination has grown.

    I'm honestly hoping it continues; That more and more blacks realize that more 3rd world immigration is not good for them, or for America, and come further away from the left/multicultural/anti white/big government/victim identity. I hope they start voting for candidates who will protect America from 3rd world immigration, and decrease the size of the internal government. I hope that they turn their back on the diversity/victimhood pimps that have stayed in power in part by pandering to them for so long. I do believe that they are seeing that this "multiculturalism" isn't benefiting them so much either. I hope that whites realize the fraud of collective white guilt which has been pushed upon them for decades now and do the same.

    I'll bet most blacks are happy that they are black, even proud of it. I'll bet they see many positive, desirable traits which almost uniquely black, and worthy of preservation and cultivation. I hope they continue with this trend of self determination. However, to do so they are going to have to swallow the notion that it's okay for white people too... and that means not seeing themselves as victims... What happens next? Guess we'll have to wait and see...

    #21     Feb 14, 2011
  2. Thank you for clarifying your position. I do believe that white guilt is going to go by the wayside, just as blame whitey must go by the wayside. However, to make this happen, there has to be an open disscussion about race. It bothers me to see that many whites want to ask questions about black culture, they sense that television is not accurate, but they are afraid. We did that by allowing poverty pimps to determine what is talked about and what is not. I think that it will be impossible for America to maintain her position if we do not see ourselves as Americans exclusive to all that other stuff and really mean it. I can see that you have studied this issue in detail as you are aware of the perversion that is today's black panthers.

    What I cannot grasp is barring the actual existence of a New World Order intent of destroying America via divide and conquer, what special interest stands to benefit by keeping up a welfare state and artificial racial tensions. Nobody likes a welfare state except those that are on it and those that work for it.
    #22     Feb 14, 2011
  3. Banjo


  4. Only to morons.
    #25     Feb 14, 2011
  5. ad hom....nice way to concede, K.

    Next time, do your homework:)
    #26     Feb 14, 2011
  6. What homework you imbecile, I'm a conservative libertarian.

    Just because you cannot rationally wrap your puny little imagination around the concept doesn't make it contradictory.

    ya, liberal genius (oxymoron)
    #27     Feb 14, 2011
  7. funnier, you don't know what you are:D :D :D

    goodnite, Kal-El:)
    #28     Feb 15, 2011