Why cant the government just print money and not tell anybody or report the increase?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by mahram, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. This might sound naive question but why cant the government just print money or do other quantative moves and just dont report it. They do it all the time in the military, they seperate their budget into white, grey and black book budgets. As we all know, when it comes to national security and systemic risks anything is possible and not illegal. So why doesnt the government just print billions of dollar, put it throught hedge fund and investment vehical fronts, and just prop up the economy throught that way . that way they dont have to report the increase in money supply, and at the same time keeping the illusion of a small money supply. Everybody wins.
  2. Daal


    If they started massive lying they likely wouldn't stop, eventually there would be hyperinflation or some major crisis(or scandal) and the government would likely either have to implement reforms or would collapse, face riots etc. The government can lie in small amounts here and there and they do it all the time, they can't however, get away with ridiculous massive lying in the long-run
  3. That's sort of what they did when the Fed stopped reporting M3.
  4. heypa


    The govm'nt gave that right to a private corporation damn near 100 years ago.:mad: :mad:
  5. lrm21


    They are trying that right now.

    Guess what everybody see through the bullshit.

    Does this look like a Market rally to you?



    All these trillions to buy some weak ass points on the djia so people can say hey we are back to 8300 you missed the bottom.

    The bottom is still to come.
  6. Agree on this one. Think were gonna see some double dipping in the near future.
  7. ..........


    The Fed Reserve loan capabilities ....

    Exchanging good money for ?????money....

    How many trillions already....????

    Guaranteed losses which will appear....


    What if the govt. was straightforward and simply presented the situation in an overall sense....

    ie The govt. says look....

    The larger banks gambled with depositors money and have basically lost it all....over $7 Trillion.....and then some....

    And the Fed is running deficits....

    So the issue is presented this way....

    The govt. has one of 2 choices....

    1) Restructure.....debts....the tax system such that real growth can happen quickly while improving American freedoms....

    2) Pawning off over $1 million in debt for every US person....meaning tax increases....decreasing incentives to produce.....a diminishing economy by demanding more from a shrinking base....and virtually eliminating American freedoms....

    Which do you think....the US people would choose ?

    Guess which one has already been chosen.....????
  8. good point, they do everything in the name of security, they f_ck you in the ass and say it's for your own security, as if that's not enough, they then turn and f_ck your kids, but it's all to keep america the land of free safe, so if shit like that is easy for them to do, most likely they are doing something similar to what you stated
  9. That's because "we the people" don't really have any choice.

    The government's relationship "we the people" is like the rancher's relationship to his cattle. :mad:
  10. The Dollar would collapse.
    Oil and other commodities would go to the Moon.
    And all of those overseas holders of U.S. Treasury debt would not be happy. Hyperinflation.
    #10     Jul 2, 2009