Why can't I pull the trigger?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by pk3r1234, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Go get Laid :D ...it will awaken you up in life, to be a man, a go-getter. have some balls. ready for battle.
    #31     Nov 24, 2015
    Visaria and pk3r1234 like this.
  2. pk3r1234


    hahahahaha I won't get into that. That's another topic, to me business first women after
    #32     Nov 24, 2015
  3. Chris Mac

    Chris Mac

    Maybe you better play with your own money. Trading with family and friends money is too difficult when you are a beginner.

    #33     Nov 25, 2015
  4. Stay away from anything with less than Avg daily volume of 2 million.
    That's a hard-and-fast rule for day traders.
    #34     Nov 25, 2015
  5. I totally agree. He needs this badly.
    His "business first" attitude is not really working out.
    #35     Nov 25, 2015
  6. removed!!!

    Why give clues to success!
    Let those who want to fail litteraly fù*k themselve on to the path to failure!!!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
    #36     Nov 25, 2015
  7. NoDoji


    Use bracket orders for your stop loss and profit target and set a sound alert for when one of them fills. Place the entry order and walk away until you hear your alert.

    You don't have to make anything back.

    You now have a mechanical system that produces profits if you follow it. Focus solely on your execution. That's the only thing that matters with a mechanical positive expectancy system.

    How much you lost in the past, how the price action feels during "this" trade, how many gains or losses you've had so far today...none of that matters.

    Precise execution of your mechanical system is all that matters.

    The profits will be a natural outcome of your precise execution.

    Just substitute the word "trader" for "shooter":

    With regard to the psychological training of professional athletes, particularly professional shooters: To limit stress (which is a fatal factor for any serious competition), professional shooters give themselves the right to make mistakes.

    More exactly, they set their goal to make a correct shot technically, not to hit the target. They even inspire themselves that outcome is not that important at all, but correct technique is what only matters.

    And that little trick leads to great results. The shooter stands, focuses on the pleasure of the technically perfect shot and does it literally without stress, being focused on the process, not the outcome. Ironically, the chance of target being perfectly hit increases dramatically in such a case.

    If the pro shooter's mental focus was to hit the target, he would get overstressed and likely have the opposite result vs. desired.

    This is a proven technique used by pro shooters, power lifters and in most other kinds of sport to limit stress during the competition.
    #37     Nov 25, 2015
    pabeginner, SMA, d08 and 4 others like this.
  8. May I ask: if your system is mechanical, why not automate it?
    You do not need to get all automated by the same programmer.

    The problem with professional shooters, is most finish with "mental issues",
    and their descendants unfortunately pay a really heavy prices.
    So I am not sure traders want to get down this path.
    Psy problems are best sorted with : www.dhamma.org and confessing.
    Confessing : the sins one commits work against one's success.
    This is basic "spitituality":
    After 2000 years of listing humans sins, the Church knows all about
    how sin enslave people, and lead them surely to failures.
    Trading issues give people the chance of freeing themselves from what
    enslave them. Luckily the Jesuits have such a wide network that they
    can actually handle any "sick" mind out there - specifically the "sick" minds
    that are so enslaved in their sins and need real compassion, and much
    forgiveness for all the craps their sickness has led them to.
    The Human mind, and Human person is a beautiful creation: we
    have to study it, respect it and not degrade it by leading it into paths
    of degradation. God loves us all, and does forgive ( even the worst sinners).
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
    #38     Nov 25, 2015
  9. I'm an ex-Marine who qualified for the Marine Corps rifle team. What you said is exactly right.
    You must be a great shooter too!!
    #39     Nov 25, 2015
  10. Do you have a clue of the number of veterans ( including shooters) who have "mental issues", once they are discharged?
    If so, what do you do for them?
    #40     Nov 25, 2015