Why Bush Needs To Be Recalled

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gamalruach, Mar 21, 2004.

  1. Perhaps its in the other thread titled "Why Bush Needs To Be Impeached.

    This one is " Why Bush Needs To Be Recalled"
    #21     Mar 21, 2004
  2. Pabst


    Clinton perjured himself under oath to protect his reputation and financial interests during the course of a lawsuit that he ultimately was forced to settle out of court for substantial penalty.

    I don't concede yet that Bush lied about WMD's. It's too early to verify or not whether these weapons exist. Bush, Blair and Clinton ALL believed WMD's were present in Iraq. Zeal and dishonesty should not be confused. Even if Bush did lie, his motives would appear to be less self serving than Clinton's perjury during the Jones' deposition.
    #22     Mar 21, 2004
  3. Yeah, Mag nailed it.


    "zoo control."


    #23     Mar 21, 2004
  4. I agree. In my opinion Bush is one of the most honest presidents we've had. He is NOT lying about anything.

    I just think he is committed to... wrongful acts due to... being an idiot.

    //shrug// No disrespect, George, but there is just no other way to put that.

    #24     Mar 21, 2004
  5. I know you don't concede that yet, and we may never know for sure if Bush did in fact knowingly mislead us into war....but we were misled into war none the less.

    However, like Clinton's denial, when it was found out that the intelligence was faulty, and some blame could have been taken, Bush has done nothing. He wouldn't even fire George Tenet.

    All I am saying is take some responsibility, convince us that what happened last time won't happen again.

    And stop with the damn "the end justifies the means" crap would be nice from Bush and the republicrats.

    As far as Bush's deepest and real motives being self serving, who can say? If he did it for Daddy, that is serving his own self interests just as much as Clinton served his.

    In the final analysis, this comparing Clinton to Bush is a waste of time. Clinton ain't the sitting president...in case someone hadn't noticed.

    If Bush sinned, Clinton's sins wouldn't keep him out of hell.

    #26     Mar 21, 2004
  6. r-in


    I don't miss Sadaam and his regime. He invaded other countries, used chemical weapons(which can be classified as WMD's) to annihilate tens (perhaps 100' of thousands)of thousands of people including his own people. Tortured only God knows how many 10's of thousands people, robbed his people blind and let those that weren't part of his gang(i mean gang literally) suffer. Lived an unimaginable lifestyle(yes probably more so than the rich you most likely abhor here in the great US) all at the exspense of others. But I don't know I guess you thought it was wrong to fight the Germans in 2 wars and Musselini. Oh wait what about the Milsovic? Was it okay for Clinton to attack with NATO. About the only similarity that Milsovic had was practicing systematic ethnic cleansing like Sadaam. Otherwise he had no where near the wealth to obtain Chemical, nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction, he never invaded other countries, he never mustard gas or the like to eliminate innocent civilians. Oh yea, and NATO and the useless UN are still over there trying to install a government and give freedom to all. That war was fought by NATO and led in part by former canidate Gen. Clark, who just about; along with the Clinton admin., managed to lose that war and leave that part of the world even worse off.
    Anyway I'm sure you are happy you got a reaction. I agree God would prefer we not slaughter each other, but God doesn't want us to stand by and let Hitler, Muselini, Sadaam, the whacko in N. Korea, etc, etc, etc to kill off all his children. God gave us the ability to reason and determine when enough is enough and when action needs to be taken.
    No one claims the President is perfect or the US for that matter, but we sure as hell make an effort!
    #27     Mar 21, 2004
  7. Thats the whole problem, "effort"

    A Pres. of the good ol U.S. of A. is expected to get the job done.
    Not just a limp wristed effort.
    #28     Mar 21, 2004
  8. Neither is he supposed to get the job done in such a heavy handed manner that he breaks the rules along the way, or ignores our allies along the way either.

    #29     Mar 21, 2004
  9. r-in


    I would say he has done the job very well, and yea it could be better, but most everything could be. WWII had many instances of not the best plans at all times, but the overall plan worked, which is where I feel we are at in Iraq. Ignored allies..hmm better take an account of all the ones over there helping out, not just the ones that make the news for speaking against it. I don't consider most of the UN to be our Allies as the UN supports many dictators around the world and seems to happily look the other way for the rest. Part of the purpose of the UN is too avoid a situation where a country has to build a coalition on its own to stop and prevent the horrors that mankind manages to commit against itself. They have failed at every turn almost since their birth. People complain about the out of touch politicians representing them in the US should take a peek at the lavish lifestyles of those that work for and with the UN and their bofoon agencies. I'm an independent voter so don't get to thinking I'm a right wing Republican. I believe in the fundamentals of our founding fathers, not what we've necesarily become. I however do know there is no where else in the world I would rather live and enjoy freedom! Thats it for me, back to trading topics. I didn't cover it all, but don't care to either in this anonymous forum. I would much rather have a meaningful and spirited discussion face to face, and enjoy my freedom to do so! I also listen and hear whats being said, and am open to opposing points of view, oh oh and American who is open minded, wow..I know there are alot more of us than not, even though the moron press of the world would want us to believe otherwise.
    Later..rip me apart I enjoy reading it all. :)
    #30     Mar 21, 2004