Why austrians love to yell about Greenspan?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Daal, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. Daal


    The goverment body who can make changes on the monetary system we use its not his. He already said he has a nostalgic view of gold and believe the austrians made many contributions(and that is in the late 90's)
    all he did was try to minimize the damage of having a fiat standard(I'm sure some people would try to argue against this showing some money supply numbers and proclaiming he is a madman). yell at your congressman not the fed
  2. man


    what the hell is your post about? what is the
    connection to austria? are you aware that this is a
    country? mozart, no kangoroos, right?
  3. Daal


    austrian school of economics pinhead
  4. Are you drunk this morning, so early?:D
  5. man


    ho ho! americans who know the earth! sorry, just kidding.
    was not aware that you guys refer to our old boys as
    the "austrians" ... wow.

    schumpeter, böhm bawerk? lord, someone is still looking at that.
    again ... wow.

    easy guys. i shut up ... :).