Why are there so many Anti-Americans at ET?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by version77, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Yipeee... we will be free from the kleptocratic klansmen dominated administration :D
    #31     Jan 4, 2007
  2. Of course I don't really know where the country is heading - no one does on a long term basis. But using my eyes and ears and brain I can take a look at the last 50 years and make some pretty sound predictions.

    I see a massive disconnect between the elite rich of the country and the middle and lower income people who actually make up the masses. I see disinformation, manipulation and miseducation that perpetuates this cycle. I see apathy in the poor. I see apathy in the wealthy because they are well taken care of. I see a mass of people calling themselves "the greatest nation in the world" when most of the rest of the world seems to disagree. I see other countries being rated higher in standard of livng, education, health care, social responsibility and many other criteria that I feel is important.

    I also see a mass of genuine, caring people who believe they are being represented fairly by their government, but I believe they are not. I don't think the world's opinion reflects the people of the US, but the administration. I don't see people who are worldly aware, but who are very trusting and complacent about their gonverment. I hear people who truly want to help tsunami victims, world hunger, AIDS and oppressed nations, but I don't see that being reflected by their countries actions. I see people who are scared of being attacked by people who hate them, yet they have no idea why these people hate them. I don't even see them asking why someone would want to fly planes into buildings in a land they've never even been to.
    I also see two parties that are becoming extremists due to constant vilifying of the other party. I see less "middle ground" and more "the other party is horrible, therefore you should vote for us".

    Most importantly I see a country that is in a position to change the global landscape, for better or for worse, more than any other nation in the past.

    #32     Jan 4, 2007
  3. I agree with your first paragraph above.

    The second paragraph I am not too sure of. I guess I don't realize
    or see how the US is in a position to change the global landscape.

    Unless you are talking about the Middle East. I believe we were invited
    there by a humongous murder which was quite uncalled for. (9/11).

    The first time we went there was to stop the murdering of Kurds
    in Kuwait.
    #33     Jan 4, 2007
  4. The UN estimates that it would take an additional $40 billion above what's currently being spent to provide adequate diet, water, reproductive health care for women, sanitation, basic health care and basic education to EVERY SINGLE NEEDY PERSON ON EARTH (according to http://www.foodrevolution.org). The war in Iraq has been estimated at upwards of 1 trillion dollars. that's many, many years of a better life for every needy person on the planet.

    #34     Jan 4, 2007
  5. Well then the UN should open up it's pocket since it is so good
    at thinking this money will trickle down past the corrupt leaders
    of these poor countries to the people who need it.
    #35     Jan 4, 2007
  6. The U.N......corrupt, incompetent buffoons that I wouldn't want deciding what texture shit paper I use, let alone determining world affairs. If the rest the the world is so concerned with saving the unwashed masses, then they can start writing some checks. Until then their opinions are meaningless. If the U.S. has to be the worlds zoo keeper, then we get to decide where the money goes and which animals get saved, and which ones are left to their own devices. Deal with it!
    #36     Jan 4, 2007
  7. The US doesn't have to be the worlds "zoo keeper", that's my point. They have the power to make the world a better place but instead they are doing things that make their leaders and their friends filthy rich, screwing over other countries on a regular basis and even screwing the majority of their own population.

    I was merely pointing out that the US has the power to do much better things in the world, but chooses not to. Whether or not the UN is corrupt is totally irrelevent.

    #37     Jan 4, 2007
  8. And my point is the rest of the world needs to chip in. The Euros need to get off their lazy 35 hour a week asses and get in the game. Instead they choose to shout complaints from the cheap seats. Suit up MF'ers and take some hits. Then their opinion might have some value.
    #38     Jan 4, 2007
  9. I agree that the world needs to chip in, but who else is spending 1 trillion dollars invading countries that had nothing to do with the so called "war on terror"?

    #39     Jan 4, 2007
  10. #40     Jan 4, 2007