Why are there people against disarming Iraq?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Vinny Gigante, Jan 27, 2003.

  1. now calling a politician names is evidence of ignorance? ironic.

    "gutsy"? - you make him sound like Washington or Teddy Roosevelt... what "gutsy" things has he done as president?

    and you can substitute in "gore" or "daschle" or some other democrat if you want to.
    #11     Jan 27, 2003
  2. is to stand firm and be resolute on taking out that maggot saddam. It takes incredible guts to make a tough call like this, going against eroding opinion. Polls mean nothing, U.S. security does. That's exactly the opposite of how clinton did things.

    I'll bet my only dollar that all those against war, will applaud Bush after he crushes saddam, and makes the world a safer place.

    remember 9/11? I do, and it's payback time!

    Vinny va da vicci Testaverde Gigante
    #12     Jan 27, 2003
  3. wonder how many of these decisions are his, or instead of carl rove and the ghouls like rumsfeld and wolfowitz that seem to be running the show. they certainly care about polls, whether bush does or not - guess we'll see how they play it if the polls really do go against them (especially if this drags into 04...).

    but you may be right - I hope you are, really.
    #13     Jan 27, 2003
  4. >>i mean, let's face it - bush and his dad and frmr sec of defense cheney knew well all along that iraq is still a threat....yet they ignored this problem - and the safety of you and me - until attacking iraq became part of their political agenda...<<

    Unfortunately, the climate needs to be right i.e. even a leader needs to receive the support of the public before he can make large decisions.

    So he has to pick and choose the right moment before introducing certain proposals. To pick a moment when the public is not ready would doom defeat for the proposal. An undeniable fact of life.

    #15     Jan 28, 2003
  5. disarming Iraq for one or many of these reasons:

    because they prefer to believe that all nations and leaders can be reasoned with and placated rather than accept the fact that there are individuals and nation-states that wish on us nothing but the worst fate possible.

    They prefer to blame the US for the world's woes and make excuses for our enemies.

    They prefer to discuss why certain groups hate us rather than offer solutions to defend ourselves.

    They prefer to believe that this entire crisis is about US imperialism and its ceaseless quest for acquiring the world's oil reserves rather than look at history, which shows that despite numerous opportunities to do so, the US has NEVER gone into a country and stolen its oil.

    Worst of all, they would prefer having thousands more of their fellow citizens killed in another attack - possibly many attacks - before finally taking action (if at all).

    But fear not. In the end common sense will prevail, our leaders will do what is necessary to defend our country, the threat will be removed, and these same people will then bitch and moan over the costs it took to preserve their liberty. Indeed, they will gripe that their liberty was never threatened, or if it was, that the danger was internal and emanated from their own government.
    #16     Jan 29, 2003
  6. rs7


    So how's your trading going???

    #17     Jan 29, 2003
  7. Babak



    that's a sore spot for Vinny since shortboy shut down.

    (at least I think he shut down since his website has not been active and without any calls since New Year's)
    #18     Jan 29, 2003
  8. I'm surprised no one voted for "c" yet.

    I think there would be a few. Did I phrase it poorly?
    #19     Jan 29, 2003
  9. hey vinny is shorty setting this year out..heh heh:D
    #20     Jan 29, 2003