Why are the Jews so powerful?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MohdSalleh, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. fhl


    russia tried this kind of stuff

    didn't work out too well for them in the aggregate

    works better when people are free to follow their own desires and objectives

    if obama and his crew remain in power, i have little doubt that they, too, will try to pick the winners among us
    #21     Mar 10, 2009
  2. Going to race as the prmary factor is itself racist in nature.

    #22     Mar 10, 2009
  3. How about jews have a more efficient belief system. I am talking about religion(that is one of the reasons people missed in this thread altogether).

    Few people know that christianity originally advocated giving personal property to the poor and the all time priceless "camel through the eye of a needle and richman to heavens". This retarded system of beliefs surely results in greater poverty than communism can ever imagine. Not suprisingly, most important and controversial aspects of christianity are pushed under the rug so to speak.

    Judaism advocates dealing with this world in this world instead of ignoring it altogether in favor of after life. Success in this world is worthwhile in part because existence in this world has a meaning distinct from after life.

    If you take Islam and Christianity when implemented fully, they are EXTREMELY destructive for purposes of progress and achievement.

    Why are muslisms lagging according to that article? ISLAM that is why.
    #23     Mar 10, 2009
  4. Yeah, but we're also prone to shameless narcissism, unfortunately.

    What else could possibly compel me to search the archives every time I encounter someone echoing the exact same point I've made in the past? :p

    #24     Mar 10, 2009

  5. This is the most important point. Its all about CULTURE.

    Even if you took all the political and economic power away from Jew AMERICANS, they'd gain it right back in a few generations because their competition (niggers, spics, and white trash) are laughably dumb and lazy.

    Jews value whole families (instead of broken families) and academic/career/business achievement and so they excel in these areas.

    So what do niggers, spics, and white trash value? Broken families, all forms of abuse, disdain for education, disdain for capitalism, disdain for hard work - typical impoverished mentality of people that can't survive without government welfare.

    I emphasized Jew AMERICANS earlier because America enables ANYONE to succeed - this is not true in any other continent/country.

    And everything I said about the Jew Americans also applies to most Asian Americans (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian).

    Its all about CULTURE. Israelis and Palestinians are cousins yet culture makes a huge difference. North and South Koreans are cousins, yet culture makes a huge difference. Indians and Pakistanis are cousins, yet culture makes a huge difference.

    BTW I HATE the Jews - them money changers have been blowing up banking systems for thousands of years (in every country they exist in). But you know what? I only want to live in neighborhoods with lots of Jews. And I'd want my kids to hang out with Jews rather than your typical nigger, spic, or white trash underachievers.
    #25     Mar 10, 2009
  6. #26     Mar 10, 2009
  7. "jewish genes have been selected for intelligence..."

    Oy vey Adolph...

    #27     Mar 10, 2009

  8. Nice theory, but such a theory is easily testable and so I'm sure it has been tested. If there was any truth to it, we'd know it by now.

    So again, I'm confident that Culture plays the biggest role in whether an individual person, group of people, or even nations succeed or fail.

    But culture don't mean shit without opportunity, the opportunity has to be there. And America is still the land of opportunity. If you can't make it in America, you can't make it anywhere.
    #28     Mar 10, 2009
  9. Okay, you have me convinced.

    Here is another article on the subject:
    #29     Mar 10, 2009
  10. I'm sorry your Jewish ex-wife left you, but isn't all that really just between you & her? I think I read somewhere that resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
    #30     Mar 10, 2009