Why are most criminals Democrats?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Navin Johnson, May 31, 2010.

  1. Most criminals are democrats or constituents of the democrat party. What draws these losers to the democrat party? Does it have something to do with the democrat philosophy?
  2. Reference please.
  3. The entire premise of the Democrat party is theft... take property from one citizen, by force, and distribute it to others.. in exchange for the receiver of the property's vote. (Let's not forget the significant vig the government rakes off.)

    Taking property through legislation is not all that different from taking property in other ways.... robbery, mugging, extortion, etc.
  4. The entire premise of the Republican party is theft... take property from one citizen and distribute it to corporations,military industrial complex ,the vice presidents former company ,1.8 trillion in tax cuts to the rich that the poor and middle class has to pay for etc
  5. The entire premise of the Republican party is theft... take property from one citizen and distribute it to corporations,military industrial complex ,the vice presidents former company ,1.8 trillion in tax cuts to the rich that the poor and middle class has to pay etc

  6. True. When that is your party's core principle, taking bribes, graft, vote fraud, selling offices and other corruption is not a big step. Most of the party big shots worked their way up from local operations in areas that are totally controlled by the democrat party and the thug unions and race hustlers that are its base. They get used to massive corruption from the beginning. Obama is a good example.

    The other contributing factor is the fact that the major media have no interest in exposing democrat corruption. They either ignore it, or, if forced to comment, excuse it. The efforts to bribe Joe Sustak is a good example. The Washington Post, which ran Nixon out of office for less, just ran an editorial saying "nothing to see here...move along folks."
  7. As to your first paragraph,Just google Republican bribery,vote fraud,corruption etc

    As to the Sestek thing

  8. Why is it that the only President to leave office due to a crime was a Republican ???????????????????????:confused: :confused: :confused:
  9. Mercor


    Republicans will do the right thing and they usually resign.
    Rep. Souder was the latest one to resign. Unlike Clinton and his friends who will go to the ends of logic to justify their actions.

    Democrats also have fewer standards so it is much harder for them to violate social boundaries.
    #10     May 31, 2010