Why Are Leftists Such Pussies?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tom B, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Tom B

    Tom B

    Why Are Leftists Such Pansies?


    Many times we accuse our political opponents of crimes of which we ourselves are equally guilty. Neither the left nor the right has a monopoly on dishonesty, hypocrisy, or hyperbole. But there is at least one unpleasant trait that seems to reside almost exclusively in the hearts of leftists: a puling hysterical weakness in the face of setbacks and defeat.

    I think President Barack Obama is the worst president of my lifetime: an incompetent ideologue who made the world and the country worse. The economy is not as bad as it was directly after the crash, but it is much, much worse than it would have been had it not been weighted down with Dodd-Frank regulation and the anvil of Obamacare. Racial tension is worse, the national spirit is worse, the wars in the Middle East are worse, our nation's place in the world is worse, our federal institutions are more politicized and corrupt — all because Obama simply did not know how reality worked and would not change his mind.

    I knew all this was true or would be true by 2012, and when Obama was reelected over Mitt Romney, a much wiser, more adult, and steadier hand, I was dismayed. I was saddened. I was even distraught.

    But I did not become a sniveling, whiny, self-obsessed pansy. I did not, that is to say, behave like leftists are behaving now.

    I did not cry. I did not protest. I did not demand a recount. I did not urge electors to betray the voters. I did not say Obama was not my president. I respected the will of the people, even though I found it hard to respect the people whose will it was.

    But the left? Never mind the college snowflakes who can't even hear an idea they disagree with without retreating to a safe space. What about the adults?The New York Times, a former newspaper, now reads like a 12-year-old girls' sleepover after a mouse got in. It's embarrassing. "How to Cope With Trump?" "Trump's Threat to the Constitution?" "Trump's Agents of Idiocracy!"

    The guy hasn't even done anything yet!

    In the Washington Post, Stephanie Land writes a piece headlined, "Trump's Election Stole My Desire to Look for a Partner."

    Once it was clear that Donald Trump would be president instead of Hillary Clinton, I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to gather my children in bed with me and cling to them like we would if thunder and lightning were raging outside, with winds high enough that they power might go out. The world felt that precarious to me.

    Crikey. What a weakling. What a wimp.

    Everything Trump does, every move he makes, is greeted with cries of despair or panic. He's supposed to ask China's permission before he takes a call from Taiwan? For crying out loud, have some respect for your country if you can't have some respect for yourself.

    And how about California Democrat Congress-weenie Zoe Lofgren, who held a forum to discuss the possibility of replacing the Electoral College during which she said, "Rational people, not the fringe, are now talking about whether states could be separated from the U.S..."

    Honey-bear, you're a California congresswoman. You don't know any rational people.

    The Electoral College must be gotten rid of. The news must be censored. The election must be overturned.

    I mean, really, why are they such pansies?

    Here's my guess. A right-winger turns on his favorite television show and has his favorite character tell him his favorite candidate is demonic. He turns on the news and hears "journalists" edit out stories of Democrat malfeasance while emphasizing Republican corruption. He goes to the movies and has his political beliefs insulted and derided. His favorite singer hates him. His professor excoriates him. His employer would fire him if he knew what he thought.

    It makes you tough. It makes you smart. It makes you educate yourself as to why you believe what you believe and what the arguments for and against it are.

    A leftist? He floats in a candy-cane cloud of self-congratulating self-reinforcement. Hollywood, the news media, academia, they all tell him: "You're smart. You're good. You're right. You're nice. You're going to win the election. Anyone can see that. How could you lose? Anyone who disagrees with you is bad, stupid, mean, wicked."

    No wonder these people whine and cry when things don't go their way. Spending their days in a pink haze of bias, how could they ever have seen it coming?

    I have no problem with there being two sides to an argument. I have no problem with the left making its case. But the whining! The weakness! The hysteria! It's like being stuck on an airplane with a crying baby. Grow up. Or at least stick your thumb in your mouth and keep it down. You're making so much noise it's hard for me to enjoy your suffering.

    Okay, it's not that hard.

  2. Seriously, both you and Andy, STFU. Try to set an example by stopping your own whining, and try not to be such a sore winner.
    Ricter likes this.
  3. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Apparently there should have been a large font "TRIGGER WARNING" on Tom's post.
    WeToddDid2, traderob and Tom B like this.
  4. The Leftist doctrine is all about having the government tell you what to do, how to think and behave, etc.

    In a marriage... when a woman tells the husband the same, we call him "hen pecked"... A PUSSY! Same thing.
  5. I have no doubt that your post means something. To someone.
  6. I suggest you seriously look into TMS. You'll thank me later.
  7. fhl


    I had to look that up. I noticed on a medical site that it takes about four to six weeks to see results. omg, it's been four weeks since that election and four weeks since we've seen you around here. I'm sure that's just a coincidence, though.
  8. Pee Wee Herman has nothing on you.

  9. Ricter


  10. Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
    #10     Dec 8, 2016