Why are Black runners so much faster than whitey?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ChkitOut, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Mav88


    well that's good, keep breeding, however it's what you do with that counts. IQ is a prequisite, not valuable in itself other than you may tend to be more civilized.
    #31     Aug 6, 2012
  2. Of course "g" isn't a panacea or any form of guarantee of success.

    I also don't doubt "emotional IQ" or some sort of social IQ measure often helps explain why straight A students are often employed by "c" average business owners.
    #32     Aug 6, 2012
  3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    See? You say "dumber" So take away all the people YOU think are "dumber". Now you have new world of all the people you think are not the dumber people. Will they become to hate the dumber people in the new world? Will they see the difference of people, so they will blame the dumber, and hate them? If you think the world will all be smart(IQ) and ALL the same, then you have dreams of equality of all the people. Then YOU want something that can not be real.
    #33     Aug 6, 2012
  4. Every race has its advantages & disadvantages. Whites are good at creating & organizing/leading. Blacks are good at tasks that require strength & endurance (like manual labor tasks) Indians are good at memorizing things. Asians are good at figuring out problems.
    #34     Aug 6, 2012
  5. Mav88


    for the second time I didn't say take them away you... I see you are annoyed because you are one of them. Quit making shit up about me jackass.

    My problem is that they are trained to hate me because they cannot perform well in an information driven society. They want the rewards without the performance because they are told we are all equal and deserving of the same in life. They are encouraged to vote and can't name the vice president, I end up supporting them and their dumb kids, they commit a lot of crimes, etc.
    #35     Aug 7, 2012
  6. TGregg


    You realize your doings, one presumes? I mean, he is a tard. You'll not convince him, you cannot help him as tempting as it may be. These people have not the framework to understand why they fail. They can only see that they try and fail, while others try and succeed. If one is unable to understand the difference, the failings, then how can one ascribe the failure to themselves? They must decide that the reasons for failure are other people.

    Heh, I am making real inroads into understanding libtards tonight. Wow, it *really* sucks to be them.
    #36     Aug 14, 2012
  7. Ricter


    Why are "white" shot putters so much stronger than "blackie"?
    #37     Aug 14, 2012

  8. This has got to be the most racist thread in history of ET, where the hell are the mods!!

    Fat Rennick Sharpton out :p
    #38     Aug 14, 2012
  9. I call BS, my guess is some of your group got confused with the title and did the negative voting.
    How lame is it the way y'all vote on these political threads.
    #39     Aug 14, 2012
  10. Mav88


    Rennick, why is it racist to talk about race in an honest manner? everyone except whites do it all the time. Blacks do it nonstop.

    you have a serious case of gulit
    #40     Aug 14, 2012