"Why America was nuked"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. *sigh* I'm not talking to any really deep thinker, am I....

    Death to America, scmeth to America. Who cares?

    Don't you think the citizens of Serbia echo such sentiment? It's perhaps waning today, but in the wake of Clinton's attack, there was nary a Serb alive who didn't wish the ghastliest of fates on America. Even today anti-American sentiment remains widespread.

    Go to Greece. Ask the locals how they feel about America. America has never hurled as much as a rotten tomato at Greece yet Greeks are some of the most vehement anti-Americans you will find.

    The world, quite simply, does not like your meddling. They do not see you as you see yourself. And you cannot blame them for that.

    Now, sure, some nations have different ways of expressing their anti-American disgust. What they would actually do is another question.

    If my neighbor is keeping me awake with his stereo at 2:00am, I may hurl every sort of invective at him, even wishing death upon him. What I would actually do to him is something else entirely.

    In short, disgusted people say disgusting things. In Iran's case, this appears to be enough to bomb them back to pre-industrialism.
    #51     Mar 25, 2007
  2. Really. Your entire justification for questioning the gassings are this letter?

    That's some GOOOOODDD shit you're smoking out there!! :D
    #52     Mar 25, 2007
  3. Not as sorry as I am, believe me. You sir, are being willfully ignorant.
    #53     Mar 25, 2007
  4. Serbs were pissed? Too fucking bad. Shouldn't have been bombing, sniping, and raping unarmed civilians. Fuck them.

    Been to Greece. They don't like us? Fuck them. I could give a shit. What are their basis for not liking us? That some fat tourist asked for a gyros without sour cream? That we "meddled" in Iraq? Yeah, if it was their relatives being fed feet-first into shredders, they'd probably have a different tune....

    I do not blame the world for not seeing the US as I see it. But once they start saying they want to kill me, my family, my friends, fellow citizens, and follow it up with acquiring nuclear technology, then I get worried.

    So hey, you just go ahead and keep smokin' that goooooood shit you've got down there and believin' that everything is copacetic.

    Cheers! :)
    #54     Mar 25, 2007
  5. Ho boy, it's far worse than I thought. I guess this is what it looks like when neocon heads swim. A sorry sight.
    #55     Mar 25, 2007
  6. Translation: Force is always bad, but only when the US employs it.

    America is bad.

    Iran is good.

    Israel is bad.

    Palestine is good.

    Allah Akbar...
    #56     Mar 25, 2007
  7. So bomb Iran. What do I care? I am just saying it will do nothing to solve America's problems, because America's problems are something else entirely. Not bombing them, in all likelihood, would achieve the same thing -- nothing -- but if you want to bomb, go ahead.

    It is not I who rests easy, knowing all is copacetic, it is you.

    You obviously either didn't read or failed to understand my previous points if you found me in agreement with Publisher's views on Iran or Islam. Perhaps it was an honest mistake or a case of information overload.
    #57     Mar 25, 2007
  8. You claim most American Jews opposed the Iraq war, but you offer, as usual no evidence. I, on the contrary, made a post proving why Israeli interests were behind the war. Yet, you are there, unable to refute anything I wrote, claiming that the war "wasn't about Israel".

    If Iraq wasn't about Israel,then why were all of it's promoters Zionists? I am not going to repeat myself again. Read my posts, and if you wish to prove me wrong I expect serious refutations.

    If your kin would not have attempted to manipulate nations. You would have spared yourself a lot of trouble in history, and I am not refering to the fictional Holocaust.

    Jewish supremacists got the United States involved in nearly every war since 1913. This is a grave issue, and worthy of being mentionned. One can estimate how many deaths have been indirectly the result of your people's manipulations.

    I don't care whether Jewish miasma like yourself want to believe the unscientific propaganda spouted by their Zionist masters, but please don't write nonsensical crap to defend the actions of the people you hold in such a high esteem

    I am making these posts only in an attempt to explain to my compatriots what happened to our nation. I am well-aware of the fact that most people only care about soccer and TV, but I hope to be able to wake up a few Americans who are not completely brainwashed by the controlled media.
    #58     Mar 25, 2007
  9. I am seeing my nation being over-run by immigrants, drug-dealers, and sicknesses promoted by Holywoord.

    I am seeing a media totally controlled by Zionist Jews broadcasting Liberal propaganda. The same media is telling my people that nationalism is evil and that internationalism is the way to go.

    I am seeing Jewish groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center doing everything in their might to allow illegal Mexicans into the United States.

    I am seeing the economy going down the drain because of corruption and the expenditure of huge amounts of tax-payer money on foreign wars.

    It's open season on Christianity, but as soon as someone criticises anything even remotely considered "Jewish" one is called an anti-Semite at best and a Nazi at worst.

    There are already 750,000 refuges produced by the recent Iraq war and the US government already started issuing immigration visas to 7,000 of them. Naturally as time goes on they will realize that this will not solve the problem, so they will open up our borders, possibly for hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in the next decade.

    In fact, I can't be more skeptical about the future of America. I don't think there are many ways to inform the public other than what I am doing here. People just aren't interested in the future of their children anymore. The problem is amplified by the fact that most people don't bother reading anything as soon as they spot the word "Jew".
    #59     Mar 25, 2007
  10. Read and weep Hitlerjugend:

    ...The group will also focus on mobilizing the overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans opposed to the war - demonstrated by a new Gallup poll showing 77% of Jews believe the Iraq War was a mistake, compared with 52% of the general American public.

    This strong anti-war sentiment indicated in the poll is reflective of the Jewish community’s long history of standing up for social justice and human rights.

    American Jews were far less enthusiastic about going to war in 2003 than were other Americans (Only 50-some percent supported the war as opposed to 75% of the general public).
    #60     Mar 25, 2007