"Why America was nuked"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. Publisher, I notice you have been making some quite insightful posts. Let's remember, however, that all this is a little too much for the hapaboys of the world.

    I am not in America. Though I have lived there, I am in Melbourne, Australia. This year, I have gone back to school to finish a degree in math. In the evenings, I deliver pizzas to one of the most pleasant areas of the city. These suburbs are populated by the type of people who subscribe unquestionably to liberal views on race, culture and foreign affairs, "conservatives" though many think themselves. These are people who furrow their brows and, wagging their fingers, point out that a particular line of reasoning is "racist" in tones that suggest they just detonated the rhetorical equivalent of a neutron bomb. They don't want to hear that that the last fifty years have been an exercise in folly. They don't want to hear about the wrongheadedness of immigration and multiculturalism. That's all too unsettling. They want to be told that everything is fine, that they'll be able to keep going to their six figure paying jobs and consuming their way to nirvana, that despite whatever short term problems may arise, a solution is always on the horizon and everything once again will be fine with the world. With people like this at the helm, only a miracle can save us.
    #31     Mar 24, 2007
  2. It's difficult to know what to think of Iran or Ahmadinejad. It is certain that Islam has historically been an enemy of Europe -- Stephen Decatur didn't lead the attack on Barbary Muslims to protect Israel -- and that the two cultures, European and Islamic, cannot peacefully co-exist within the same territory.

    Can Islam be reformed so that at least it does not seek to again reinvade Europe? That is the question we should be asking. Perhaps men like Ahmadinejad genuinely wish to see peaceful relations between our civilizations. All that we require of such reform minded men -- if he is one -- is that they understand that there is no place in European civilization for Islam.

    Beyond that, our only concern need be ensuring Islamic countries do not attain a military might comparable to that of Europeans -- or at least not a willingness to use it.
    #32     Mar 24, 2007
  3. Of course, The West has an immediate threat from Non-Western immigration and birthrates. But, with the modern arsenal of the Western world, there is no real threat of physical invasion..

    So, the immigration threat is rooted not in the immigrants themselves but the destruction of the European spirit of self-preservation which the Jewish extremists have been the primary destroyers.

    I don't think that, as claimed by so many, immigration was ever the result of any plot by Muslims. Muslims and millions of other non-Westerners came to the West because the Jewish propaganda and control opened the doors. They came as individuals for the higher living standards of our countries. You can't completely blame them for that, but one can sure the hell blame the Jewish extremists and their shabbez Goy who did PLOT our destruction. One can blame the Jewish supremacists who led the immigration Movement from Germany to Australia.

    We must obviously oppose non-European immigration, Islamic immigration included. But, we must root out its source. If we don't stop the rain, no dikes can hold back the river.
    #33     Mar 24, 2007
  4. Oh, I don't blame individual Muslims themselves. Just as I don't blame individual Mexicans or Asians or any immigrants. You're right, they are only seeking to better their lives. However, their bettering their lives by immigrating to our countries inevitably causes the destruction -- small and insignificant when their numbers are small, rising as their numbers rise -- of our own.

    It is the duty of our leaders and our intellectuals to have the foresight to protect us from such outcomes; if not the foresight, then at least the willingness to acknowledge -- and, ideally, reverse -- the mistake once it is clear in hindsight.

    There is a danger, then, I think in focusing too much only on the causes of today's disaster -- yes, in large part, Jewish intellectuals -- and not enough on preventing further disaster, and remedying that already caused. A widespread acceptance -- engage your imagination for a moment -- of the Jewish role in western decline would, of itself, do nothing to reverse that decline. It is more important, I think, to move beyond simply blaming Jews, towards seeking solutions.
    #34     Mar 24, 2007
  5. Out of the many pieces I could direct you to, I've chosen this letter from a former Oxford Professor of History, Hugh Trevor-Roper. He is a believer in the standard account -- that being that Germans gassed millions of Jews -- and is writing a letter to Henri Roques, a French revisionist historian best known for having his doctorate revoked for, it appears, having upset French Jewry. In his letter, Trevor-Roper acknowledges that Roques' work has demonstrated the unreliability of Kurt Gerstein's testimony, which had been considered a key piece of Holocaust evidence.

    In his letter, Trevor-Roper asks, since the Gerstein testimony must be exluded from the evidence, "What evidence then remains for the gas-chambers?"

    In answering, it is notable that Trevor-Roper does not simply point to a standard catalog of abundant evidence. Rather his letter searches for anything that might actually count as evidence, finally settling on Rudolf Hoss's confessions [not themselves without significant problems].

    Trevor-Roper's letter also takes as given many other points that revisionists dispute. We can put these aside for the moment. What should at once -- okay, for a beginner, at thrice -- be clear is the utter reasonableness of skepticism at Holocaust claims: If there is no abundant, overwhelming evidence, there is no rational reason to so fiercely affirm the standard account, to the point of jailing and fining dissenters.

    Trevor-Roper's letter: http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v13/v13n5p40_Dacre.html
    #35     Mar 24, 2007
  6. #36     Mar 24, 2007
  7. First, I am no “conspiracy theorist.” I don’t conjure any images of Jewish or any other kind of conspiracies; I simply talk about the realities of Jewish extremist power in media and government that has led America to support the criminal actions of Israel and to wage the disastrous Iraq War and other wars. Conspiracy is one of the words constantly used by our opponents to discredit us. I don’t use the word and have never used it.

    The fact is that there is no truly hidden conspiracy. The pursuit of their Israeli agenda by powerful Jewish extremists in America is an obvious fact of life. It is brazen. Who were the advocates of the Iraq War? Who are they that want to compound the disaster of the Iraq War with a new and bigger war with Iran?

    Answer, the Neocons, a group of radical Israeli partisans who are overwhelmingly led by Jewish extremists such as Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, David Wurmser, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Scooter Libby, Elliot Abrams and a continuing list that looks like the guest list at a Bar Mitzvah.

    Years before the Iraq War, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser and other American Neocons actually wrote a paper for the Israeli Government urging war against Iraq, Syria and Iran as critical to Israel’s agenda. (A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm). These are the very same Neoconservatives who lied us into the Iraq War. You can’t get more brazen and obvious than that. Neo-conservatism itself is a movement that was founded by an extreme pro-Israel radical and former Trotskyite, Leo Strauss. If I am to be labeled a conspiracy theorist than Walt and Mearsheimer must be labeled likewise, for they have precisely repeate.

    I guarantee that you could make a very good case that Israel is a racist country. The United Nations ruled as such. Just two weeks before the September 11 tragedy, the U.N. World Conference against Racism labelled Israel a racist, Apartheid state. They were able, through enormous pressure to get that revoked.

    It didn’t change the fact that it’s a reality. Israel is about the Jewish people, and they speak very pejoratively against the non Jewish people. They treat the Palestinians worse than dogs. You don’t mass murder dogs, but the Palestinians have literally been genocided. They’ve made life so terrible for Palestinian men, women and children that they’ve cause literally hundreds of thousands to leave their homelands, leave the West Bank, and that’s been their desire. They’ve created a huge concentration camp in West Bank and Gaza…

    Your post simply repeated discredited Jewish lies, and contributed in no way to discrediting my argumentation. It's basically a typical ignorant compilation of slander and lies without proving anything.
    #37     Mar 24, 2007
  8. We cannot pull out of Vietnam! The Communists will take over the world and freedom. The commmunists are the new Hitler. History will judge us harshly if we do not stand up to the Red Threat.

    To pull out of Vietnam now will be a disaster and will hurt American's saftey. Our Enemies© and those who would like to appease them want us to cut and run. We must stay the course.

    It would be an insult to our fallen soldiers to leave Vietnam now.

    Oh wait...
    #38     Mar 24, 2007
  9. ...that link doesn't work.
    #40     Mar 24, 2007