Wht they don't just lease (w/low monthly payments) all these unsellable real state?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by crgarcia, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. It is not clear if people can afford to buy real state.

    So, Why don't just lease?

    People rent, and if they can (and want to), they take the option to buy?
  2. banks probably don't want to put up with the hassle.
  3. Bob111


    use mortgage calculator to figure this one out. combine with hoodooman comments above. it's pretty much same s*t minus down payment. btw- i can't find any "unsellable real estate" in my area. :p
    but what i see from realtor.com is that inventory in my zip code shrink by 50% from spring\summer of 2009
  4. pitz


    There's so much of the sh*t out there (real estate inventory) that there's not even enough people to lease, nevermind own.

    Everyone's downsizing. 5-bedroom houses aren't needed for retired couples with no kids at home. Single people don't need luxury condos when they have no jobs. Nail salons are going bankrupt by the dumptruck full, along with the entire retail industry. Its a secular trend.

    If the leasing market was healthy...then there wouldn't be a problem selling real estate.
  5. lease with low monthly payments?......WHERE ???? in the ghetto ??

    Most people living in a busy cosmopolitan area let alone a big city isn't going to find "low" payments on a lease.

    Plus alot of theose ppl that used to be able to afford to buy lor lease nice homes either got laid off( are broke!) or had their work hours cut and can barely scrape by on a lease.

    Where you born yesterday or what??