Who is the most pro-Israel Republican candidate?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by americanhero, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. I have a lot of friends residing in Israel, and no, I'm not Jewish. My point is that most of them are pretty peace loving, nice individuals. I would rather the U.S. work 'with' them, not in their stead. Historically, the U.S. has had good reasons to help Israel, dating back to WW2 obviously. And, I feel that if left alone, by everyone, the 'bad guys' from the Arab nations, as with the U.S. and arab terrorists, that they would leave well enough alone.

    But to blame everything on the Palestinians, or Hezbollah, or even Iran, is just wrong too. Diplomacy can work, not saying it Will work, but it can. Just need to keep the Genie in the bottle a while longer. I hope we can.

    And, Iran is a much bigger foe that Iraq ever was or even could be, nuclear weapons or not. They are richer and better protected. So, could we still 'kick the crap out of them?' sure, but, using Iraq as an example, how would we benefit? It would cost us a lot more than Iraq and Afghanistan combines, and then we would have to rebuild another country, again.

    I hope we can keep the lid on this, without going to war.


    let the 'kumbaya' boy chant begin, if you must.
    #11     Feb 16, 2012
  2. Actually Canada is the closest ally to the US
    #12     Feb 16, 2012
  3. This is just another incarnation of Jake Jones, an obvious parody.
    #13     Feb 16, 2012
  4. Both geographically and politically, yes I agree. I'm not sure exactly what Mr. Americanhero is trying to accomplish here, other than the obvious unconditional love he has for Israel, which is ok I guess.

    He speaks of God and Christianity, and then of so much hatred. A bit hard to figure out.

    #14     Feb 16, 2012
  5. The Christians United for Israel tell me:

    We believe that the Jewish people have a right to live in their ancient land of Israel, and that the modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of this historic right.

    We maintain that there is no excuse for acts of terrorism against Israel and that Israel has the same right as every other nation to defend her citizens from such violent attacks.

    We pledge to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel and to speak out on their behalf whenever and wherever necessary until the attacks stop and they are finally living in peace and security with their neighbors

    They and Pastor John Hagee tell me what I need to believe and who to vote for to support Israel. They get funding from AIPAC to spread this message.

    I love love Jesus, America, Israel, NASCAR and UFC.
    #15     Feb 17, 2012
  6. I love that which is good (USA and Israel) and hate that which Satan sent (Muslim terror).

    It is very important that our next President is a true Christian, who is well versed in the Holy Bible, so that he defends Israel from the evil doers. Obama is not a true Christian, since Satan has given him the middle name Hussain.

    All true Christians unconditionally love Israel. Most of my congregation at Church collect for AIPAC. I personally gave $10k to AIPAC last year.

    We must all be prepared to die defending Israel, so that when the Lord returns, he will come to a pure place.

    God bless USA and Israel, and may he give us all strength to defeat the enemy in places like Iran, Pakistan, India, Syria etc.
    #16     Feb 17, 2012
  7. Now you have to be kidding, right? I thought at first the other poster was simply being harsh to someone who happens to be a Christian, but maybe not, maybe you are way off track.

    Why do we need a 'real Christian' in the office of President. By 'versed in the holy Bible' do you mean things like the story of David and the massacres? Perhaps the Inquisition? Can't just pick and choose bible passages that seem to make you look like a good, peace loving person. And, Obama is a Christian, deal with it.

    I 'defend' Israel in my posts, to a point, but not to the point that they do no wrong, of course they do. Not that Israel ever asked for nor needs my defending them in the first place.

    But, as with all those heavily dependent on Religion, I won't be able to change any of your thoughts, they are baked in, regardless of facts.

    And, 'Satan' really? Haven't seen the old horned boy around, and not sure he would give a name to some child in Hawaii. Your post sort of says it all, wow.

    #17     Feb 17, 2012
  8. #18     Feb 17, 2012
  9. Only $10k . . . . they ought to ban you from attending that church, you should contribute more by polishing the benches and sweeping the floors. :mad: .
    #19     Feb 17, 2012
  10. Max E.

    Max E.

    Cgroupman, you are taking this guy way to seriously, he is someones idea of a joke, he has lalready been banned a few times, and he keeps on coming back with this same schtick where he pretends to be an over the top neo con, and ends all his posts with "God Bless Israel"

    Do a search for "God bless Israel" and you will find a bunch of his old handles which were banned, i think the last one was jake jones.....

    #20     Feb 17, 2012