Who is the Dem choice?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jayford, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. Dem ticket will be Al Gore and Evan Bayh. Why Evan Bayh ? He is the only potential VP candidate more boring than Al.

    Campaign slogan "RE-ELECT" Al. Pathetic pack of losers.

    Hilliary is not electable in a national campaign, only celebrity loving New Yorkers would elect her to public office. Sorry NY'ers but it's true.
    Edwards has way too much slime dripping off him and that video of him primping his hair and make-up will resurface to hammer it home.
    Kerry has no hope, unless they can hide his wife for two years.

    That leaves professor Al or a true darkhorse.
    #41     Aug 14, 2006
  2. Not likely.

    #42     Aug 14, 2006
  3. Who is more electable -- Hillary or Gore?
    #43     Aug 14, 2006
  4. Gore.

    American is not ready for a woman president.

    GB had queens in their history, of both genders, so they were used to female leadership.

    America, couldn't even get the ERA passed, no female president without a female VP first.

    #44     Aug 14, 2006
  5. Oh please let's bury the gender bias issue. America would elect a female or minority president if the correct candidate ran. I would gladly vote for Condi Rice. America doesn't dislike Hillary because she is a female they dislike Hillary because she is a power grabbing shallow crusader who believes people are too stupid to take care of themselves without the help of government. Do you guys remember her Health Care proposal, this is what makes her un-electable, not her gender.
    #45     Aug 14, 2006
  6. Sure, and you are going to tell me that the minorties of females (50 percent population) in congress and senate is because of a lack of good candidates....

    #46     Aug 14, 2006
  7. Pabst


    Spurious correlation unless you can back it up with statistics. (which of course you can't) Political scientists will tell you women candidates have an edge, in multiple male candidate primaries.


    Women simply don't choose to run for public office at nearly the same rate as do men.

    Women who will vote for a candidate because she's a woman vastly out number men (and women) who vote specifically against women. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/08...104-0855120-9919913?n=507846&s=books&v=glance

    Males however have an edge in elections hinging on defense as a major issue.http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/2004/2/20041533.shtml

    81 members of Congress are women. You live in a state where both U.S. senator's are women. And I've lost against women for elections to both Congress and Chicago City Council. I've never lost to a man.

    #47     Aug 14, 2006
  8. I live in a blue state, not a red state. Most of the women senators and congresswomen are from blue states.

    Red states vote in a woman president?

    Not bloody likely....

    #48     Aug 14, 2006
  9. Pabst


    Once again spurious. Can you show red states rejecting GOP women? Most women elected are Dems. So naturally Dems of ALL genders and races will seem "under represented" in red states, eh?
    #49     Aug 14, 2006
  10. Fla is rejecting Katherine Harris.

    I am not at all surprised that you can't beat a woman in a blue state.

    Try the red state, your foul mouth will probably work there....

    #50     Aug 14, 2006