Who is the Dem choice?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jayford, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. You are talking out of your piehole again.

    Do some research on voting records, please...


    #21     Aug 14, 2006
  2. Maverick74


    ZioNazi Jew Type? Zzz might call that an ad hominem attack. LOL. I know Zzz will get my back on this. :D
    #22     Aug 14, 2006
  3. bsmeter


    No not at all!

    ZIOnist + ashkeNAZI + Jew = ZIONAZI Jew

    Why would that be an ad hominem attack? It's an abbreviation of how you people describe yourselves so proudly. Just take a look inside any Jewish dating site. :D
    #23     Aug 14, 2006
  4. Maverick74


    Wait a minute. According to the very web site you linked, McCain scores a 61% which is pathetic as most strong R's on that list were 95% to 100%. Second, sure Lieberman according to this link socred a 25% but over half the issues he had a ? there which I assume means he either did not vote or they don't know. Come on Z, these guys are not that far apart and you know that. This web site does little to back up your claim except to show McCain is marginally a republican. Hell, Zell Miller scored a 95%!
    #24     Aug 14, 2006
  5. Sam123

    Sam123 Guest

    The Party of Defeat is in that coffin, not me.
    #25     Aug 14, 2006
  6. McCain: ACLU lifetime scorecard: 19%


    Lieberman: ACLU lifetime scorecard: 67%


    #26     Aug 14, 2006
  7. I do read the sites and they say Republicans in some places don't want to say they are. They think being associated with Bush is the kiss of death? :p This business in CT is the funniest thing since the Commies in Soviet Union all became Social Dems. :D
    #27     Aug 14, 2006
  8. Post something relevant or stick to the porn sites asshole.
    #28     Aug 14, 2006
  9. The Republican race is wide open. McCain, the media party favorite, is the clear front runner, but I think his appeal is all name recognition. Once primary voters are exposed to his recent record, they will have second thoughts. Has a nasty temper and is thin-skinned.

    Guiliani has a huge problem in that his police commissioner, that thug that Bush wanted to appoint head of Homeland Security, just copped a plea to a bribery charge and seems to be mobbed up. Rudy is way too far left for Republican primary voters anyway.

    Frist has been pretty much a failure as Majority Leader, lacks name recognition and, to me at least, doesn't seem to have much in the way of command presence. He's got some messy issues with the family business HCA as well.

    Romney is an outstanding leader, super smart and has a record of success in the private and public arenas. He's a moderate to conservative who got elected in Massachusetts, so he has broad appeal. The issue with him is his Mormon religion, which should not be a factor but could prove troublesome with evangelicals.

    George Allen is a favorite of conservatives, but his constant efforts to be Reaganesque often come off as merely mushy and are getting tiresome. Needs to find an issue that he can demonstrate some passion on.

    Newt Gingrich is a smart guy and good commentator but was a disaster as Speaker. Out of the game too long now to be a serious contender.

    Rice is a joke. Never held public office and no one knows her views on most issues. Plus, she is linked to the Iraq disaster.

    The problem for Republicans is that they have turned off their core supporters on a host of issues from spending to immigration to Iraq. Their key winning bloc is the religious right, and they are not pleased with what they have received in exchange for putting Republicans in charge of all three branches of government. The election shapes up as a kind of game of chicken between them and the party regulars, with the regulars feeling they will never vote for the party of gay marriage and abortion on demand. The religious bloc by contrast knows that if they sit out, Republicans lose. Maybe they lose anyway.

    This race probably shapes up as a lengthy fight between McCain and Allen, unless McCain scares voters with a temper tantrum. Romney odds on VP choice.
    #29     Aug 14, 2006
  10. Ct has shown it will have to be somebody who is agreeable to the nutroots, which means we (repub) win again. :D
    #30     Aug 14, 2006