Who is the best for 2016

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. jem


    they all know... they figure it out pretty early. its why they are so interesting.
    however unless megyn kelly decides to run for office, this topic really has nothing to do with hillary.

    she is no longer capable of selling her looks she has to sell her record as secretary of state or as the first lady or senator.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
    #41     Feb 2, 2015
  2. LOL that is so true. Even after they have been told, they can't really grasp it.
    #42     Feb 2, 2015
  3. Ricter


    Like the brutal liberal regimes in Mississippi and West Virginia, where residents face mandatory vaccination for measles.
    #43     Feb 2, 2015
  4. dbphoenix


    Interesting that righties would get their panties all in a twist about ebola, but when it comes to measles, pfft!

    And how many people have died of measles so far this season?
    #44     Feb 2, 2015
  5. loyek590


    I got measles, moslems, mumps and chicken pox when I was a kid. That's what made us strong. Now you mamby pamby liberals want to shoot all kids up with drugs to make them weak and subject to your mind control. What's next, a shot for cancer? And then everybody would be lighting up all over the place. Is that really the kind of world you want to live in?
    #45     Feb 2, 2015
  6. Ricter


    #46     Feb 2, 2015
  7. fhl


    Righties don't wear panties, Judy. But I'll bet I know who maybe does. LOL

    But isn't it interesting that leftards require vaccines from American citizens for measles, but when it comes to their negro friends from africa coming in with ebola, pffft!
    #47     Feb 2, 2015
  8. DB can't discern the difference between letting diseased people into the country and compelling parents to get their kids vaccinated.
    #48     Feb 2, 2015
  9. gwb-trading


    Anyone who does not get basic vaccinations is a complete idiot. Anyone who does not vaccinate their children is a threat to society.

    #49     Feb 2, 2015
  10. fhl


    Incidentally, when you hear someone from the gov't tell you that this or that vaccine is harmless, maybe you could ask them just what it is that makes them so sure. The most likely answer is that they believe the gov' t wouldn't recommend them and the medical community wouldn't give them if they weren't safe. That's all they'll be able to give you. At least without lying. Because the gov't (Institute of Medicine) actually has done a study of side effects from measles and other vaccines. And what they found was that they were unable to conclude whether a number of major health problems that occurred in conjunction with the vaccines were or were not caused by the vaccines. They don't know. That's the key point. They do not know. They cannot give an honest answer about whether the vaccines are safe or not.

    #50     Feb 2, 2015