Who is more free between the two ?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by harrytrader, Mar 14, 2004.

Who is more free between the two ?

  1. the businessman

    20 vote(s)
  2. the fisherman

    57 vote(s)
  3. other (then you can precise)

    14 vote(s)
  1. Good point...
    #41     Aug 8, 2005
  2. Remiraz


    European fishing port has free healthcare? So they'll let you fish for free? I'm seriously interested since I'll need some kind of a living while trying to trade. :D
    #42     Aug 8, 2005
  3. cakulev


    This poll could be modified by voting for the following creatures:
    Krusty Krab

    I suspect most of the people here wants to be Krusty Krab so they can be SpongeBob
    #43     Aug 8, 2005
  4. bobbyod


    The story is fundamentally flawed, written to appeal to that side of us that would like to sit on the beach, drink beers all day long and get head. Successful businessmen I know strive on the stress and the action, and love knowing other people depend on them, otherwise they'd all be retired when they make their first million or so. And just like successful athletes, they make it look easy while they are at it and ironically enough, get more of the three things I mentioned in the first sentence too. :D The toys, the money and the women are there just to keep score.

    Less responsability does not equal more freedom, quite the opposite actually since the less responsability someone has, the more disposable they are considered by the rest of society.
    #44     Aug 8, 2005
  5. mogul


    the story is absolutely on point

    depending on how entrenched you are in your own culture you will see it one way or another
    #45     Aug 8, 2005
  6. Not a bad gig while the fish are plentiful and competition non-existant. Wonder what happens to our amigo if the fish run out or competitors willing to follow the Harvard MBA's advice force him to sell so cheap he can't cover costs?

    No free lunches. Sadly.
    #46     Sep 13, 2005

  7. Didn't you PM months ago and ask if i could teach you how to trade my style ? Perhaps you were phishing then too.
    #47     Sep 13, 2005
  8. That's even sadder than the fisherman, who has far more limited choice.

    In theory, yes - but how many businessman do you know of actually doing any of this?

    Your first paragraph is much more likely. Bored in retirement, so back to the boardroom dealing with the same packs of scheming, back-stabbing, ass kissing, sold-my-soul-for-a-dollar fucksticks trying to be the next me. Why? Because after a lifetime of it, it's all I know. How exciting. (My kids aren't any consolation, either. Spoilt rotten since day one - I didn't mean it, but giving them money I could rush them out of my sight and back to business so much quicker than listening to their problems and helping them address them - they're too lazy to even bother getting out of bed to waste their days. Much easier to just snort coke and stay home.)
    #48     Sep 13, 2005
  9. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    its like this....

    there are 2 stories here. at one extreme there is the life with peace and simplicity. no material progress. no problems.

    the other extreme a load of hard work, guts, glory, ego, material - for getting over problems.

    so the story appeals to those who havent decided which life they want. this way they can have it both.

    then the businessmen and fishermen discuss ....freedom is the choice and right to do either one.
    #49     Sep 13, 2005
  10. mogul


    greed and attachment
    #50     Sep 13, 2005