Who is more free between the two ?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by harrytrader, Mar 14, 2004.

Who is more free between the two ?

  1. the businessman

    20 vote(s)
  2. the fisherman

    57 vote(s)
  3. other (then you can precise)

    14 vote(s)
  1. Moreagr


    excellent!!! makes me think of what i am trying to do.... chasing and running for a living.. :confused:
    #31     Aug 7, 2005
  2. this fishermen has low security,
    what happens when a hurricane comes?
    will he have money to pay for anything?

    as cutten said,
    then what
    then what
    then what
    this fisherman has nothing to fall back on

    he's pretty much similar to a farmer in the US,
    without the water,

    Just go ask how great of a life a farmer in the US is,

    sure he gets to sit on his porch and relax, ask him what happens when crops don't come, ask him what happens when nobody buys his goods cause its rotten.

    Then what

    this fishermen is pretty much related to our pay check to paycheck worker except he fishes while farmers farms.
    #32     Aug 8, 2005
  3. The best route, in my humble opinion, is the combination approach e.g. fisherman by day, and EOD swingtrader in the evening...

    Or for that matter, any vocation (e.g. fisherman, musician, athlete, university professor, detective etc) that you are passionate about by day... and trading, which you are also passionate about, fitted around your vocation either:
    1) opening market plays if you are on the West Coast
    2) EOD swingtrading if you are on the East Coast
    3) Intraday trading of last 2-3 hours if you are, say, in Europe

    By doing both you are not reliant on either, and you fulfill two dreams simultaneously...
    #33     Aug 8, 2005
  4. well, if business was only about one's own comfort, this might make sense.

    but business is about participating in the allocation of goods and services to people who need them, earning a profit in process.

    work is not leisure, except to sponges.

    and this, to recapitulate from another thread, is the chief difference between a market maker and a daytrader.
    #34     Aug 8, 2005
  5. Holmes


    Jessie Livermoore

    trade heavy for a short while, then go fishing and enjoy the good life

    #35     Aug 8, 2005
  6. Remiraz


    And die to the various diseases which costs a bomb to treat. Of course he will also have the pleasure of selling his wife and kids die to various interesting conditions which he has no money to afford medical care for.

    What a full and busy life! :D
    #36     Aug 8, 2005
  7. market makers are sponges :D
    #37     Aug 8, 2005

  8. The Mexican fisherman should move to a European fishing port and get free healthcare so he can continue to fish and not be affected by health problems... assuming the police don't run after him and apply 8 bullets into his head for no apparent reason, he will most certainly be better off...
    #38     Aug 8, 2005
  9. Holmes


    but then the family can sue for compensation for mistreatment (discrimination etc) and live in comfort happily ever after....And they'll be able to bring their extended family over too....
    #39     Aug 8, 2005
  10. market makers are part shark, part whale, part manatee.

    daytraders are barnacles.
    #40     Aug 8, 2005