Who is Jack Hershey and what's his method?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by vingbel, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. LOL, we had the exact same response to that statement.

    ... says a lot. :p
    #11     Sep 12, 2008
  2. gucci


    Hey,vingbel. Just read what he (Jack) wrote. But you have to READ and UNDERSTAND. If you DO NOT UNDERSTAND, then ask. After that make your choice. You can see the results of various choices in the responses. Enjoy.
    #12     Sep 12, 2008
  3. ElCubano


    I flip a coin....
    #13     Sep 12, 2008
  4. vingbel


    Thanks to all, including Jack himself, for answering my questions.

    For those just catching up, the answer is that there is no real method, or, at least, theoritical overview of what he does.

    And I agree with the posters who ask: How can you follow something in detail when you don't know the theoritical foundation!

    To the poster who said he has a great method, but there are two many variables to explain in one paragraph: I bet that you could. And yes, I may be asking you to do something you don't really want to. So I get it if you don't want to. I'm interested in your ideas as I'm starting to daytrade.

    I currently work in a career where there are a hundred variables to what I do, but I still have a template that I work from. I would guess you do to. And I'm developing one for my trading. (Though I've swing traded, I'm transitioning to day trading.)

    Anyway, I have the template for AHG and other methods and was hoping to get a lock on this Hershey method since it seems to be one of the repeat methods on ET.
    #14     Sep 12, 2008
  5. 1-Does Jack Hershey have his own website?
    2-Does he have a short bio we can read on him?
    3-Could any of his traders he has mentored chime in on what he is like?
    4-Does he mainly trade the ES?
    #15     Sep 12, 2008
  6. You're welcome, thanks for your humorous comment.

    The method escaped you, perhaps. The template was mentioned as pool extraction. (Always taking what the market offers.) I put up a chart that was very specific as an example because it illustrated the theoretical foundation.

    There is a 50mb video that specifically shows how that attached chart was built (annotated automatically to singal and place icons up for the "print" that was also attached).

    If a person want to get a lock on something, what is better than a detailed example that has a 50mb video backing it?

    The foundation is the case study of all the possible combinations of two bars. Can you see on your file of the chart that all adjacent bars are connected by the examples of the seven possible cases?

    You see that fractal by fractal the seven cases are nested. The terms you read were Level I, II and III, fine, medium and coarse.

    So you saw a person who does the same thing everyday as a result of transference. He enters on bar 4 and exits on bar 78. He knows why and the chart tells you why.

    He does one other thing:

    A. He stays on the right side of the market (sentiment vis a vis long or short (cases I and 2 of the seven cases mentioned))

    B. He reverses at the end of every trend segment. (He uses MODE to Continue or Reverse, the two states of the mentioned P, V relationship).

    So you did not pass even the mentioned muliple choice test. I led in to the second green set of text with: "Getting it....blah blah blah. You can now tell yourself "I couldn't "get it"".

    To most, I am good for a laugh. They are moved to chime in with their little luaghable quips.

    You, rawfist and AHG are similar traders. PA oriented. It is the last step of trading before the exit door opens and conducts you through it. The "why" of it is called "inductive reasoning". It was your call.

    Here is a pic of how it happened for you.


    You have been trading and decided to go phishing for the reasons you stated. You are also saddled with your "job" where there are a few variables (100 or so). you see in the pic your long term memory accumulation that gives you functions (rules and beliefs). One turkey like thought (belief) says that with 100 variable in my job, I can explain my job in a bunch of sentences. But you state that you cannot differentiate any thing I wrote and you conclude what you mistakenly concluded. There is no way you can get to a place mentally where you are not right about mostly everything. Cool.

    The perception you have and have stated all comes from the 90% of your perception called inference. Inference come from your conscious mind and it joins what you sense as you accept input. You are about blind at this point regarding reading and comprehending. Proof: Your response time to input. Example: you have lock on AHG. FYI AHG doesn't have a lock on anything yet. His students make more money than he does at this point.
    Second proof: You missed the illustrations in my post. The person doing that chart is using the illustrations as the basis of his codding (C#). Several other proofs: Who in this thread you are OP'ng about Jack Hershey did you agree with. LOL.

    So you are not going to lock up Heershey's methods. They start with 5 degrees of freedom , increase to about 70 and return outputs ofabout 5 degrees of freedom. Cycle time is 10ms (manual for the routine is 100ms).

    sense(10%) + inference(90% = preception (100%)

    This is bad news for you. LTP bio chemicals build "differentiation when there is space. for you to get space, you have to repeatedly call upon LTD biochemicals. You do not have space because of your orientation to the opportunity and your space is now well differentiated in a manner that is heading you to the exit. Too bad.

    rawfist is an example of OCD as you probaly figured out. Can you imagine what it is like to have some mental circuits no longer be able to shut down. Can you see his full time "hidden hypertension at work. He is now spending at least 30 % of his available energy in breathing.

    Again thank you for your humorous post.
    #16     Sep 12, 2008
  7. While there may be healthy people, who exercise and eat healthy, it is not good for ones health to exercise and watch one's diet.

    You're one dumb product of today's US education system. Do you even have a GED?

    What a putz. Pretends to be a trader while admitting to have a full time job.
    #17     Sep 12, 2008
  8. Yes, its in Galveston and right on the beach. We use a fully equipped set up in the basement. It is an old family compound; we made the Army Corps of Engineers build their damn sea wall behind our property so we kept the view.

    freebies this weekend as usual.
    #18     Sep 12, 2008
  9. nkhoi


    #19     Sep 12, 2008
  10. Seems like a fun thread.

    They are dusting off everything yet once again.

    Maybe I should post some more icebergs I have been painting just off the beach in Galveston.

    This thread represents a recurrence of symptoms (seeing my posts) for the swift boaters here.

    Their panic is a cool demo of Hypocapnia resp alkalosis and narrowed blood vessels. This fear feadback to their basic stress have a final neat upper level of brain function. the brain creates opiates....LOL...... and we get another lap after they finally wake up again. (Danavit- Suabie 1978).

    Panic attacks are fun to watch among the swift boaters.

    Hmmm, the sump pump is running a little more frequently here. Won't have to watr the plants underthe lights in the back room.
    #20     Sep 12, 2008