Who has 1 point spread on stoxx50?

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by Done 777, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Done 777

    Done 777

  2. You mean EuroStoxx 50 SIF?

    Yes, 1pt spread 99% of the time.
  3. cvds16


    you're probably looking at the stoxx50, you need the eurostoxx50
  4. Done 777

    Done 777

    Of course DJ EURO STOXX 50.

    1 point including commision (on eurex exchange)?

    On every platform (gft, igindex...) I see 2-3 points :-(
  5. cvds16


    that's not the real market dummy that's CFD or spreadtrading ! wake up !
  6. garak


    Fesx Orderbook
  7. Normal FESX spread is 1 point most of the time. Amount of time it is 2 or more is truly negligible.
  8. moarla


    1 pip almost always (not included comms, nobody includes comms in price on futures)
  9. Yes, of course comm. is on top of it.
  10. Done 777

    Done 777

    So including commission (5 euros for round-trip) it's 1,5 of total cost. It's 0,5 cheaper than on bucket shops.
    #10     Apr 24, 2009