Who Does Obama Think he Is?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. I'm not a big Obama fan, but I guess a comeback would be something like What did GWb do to deserve to show up on an aircraft carrier in his flight suit telling the American people Mission Accomplished. Obama is giving a speech. He's going to Iran and Europe because most of the global community considers him a shoe-in as our next President. If it turns out he's not, then Sen. McCain will likely make the same trip.

    There is a lot of stuff out there to pin on Obama, but I don't think this is something to spend much time on.

    #11     Jul 21, 2008
  2. What is so odd about Bush is, he just doesn't defend himself. Tommy Franks asked him to do that, and he did it. But he never brought that up again, and took a load of crap for it.

    I do think history will treat Bush rather well. Long after the naked shorters finish off the NYT, historians will see he was a war time President who made a lot of mistakes, as they all do, but did keep us safe. I don't forget what the feeling was like about ten am on 9/11. Seems like everybody else did.
    #12     Jul 21, 2008
  3. I guess my question would be who the fuxx does Charles Krauthammer think he is?
    #13     Jul 21, 2008
  4. thanks to youtube bush will forever be precieved as the idiot he truely is. the bush apologists will not be able to spin history.
    #14     Jul 21, 2008
  5. Won a Pulitzer, one of the most respected political columnists out there.

    What has Obama written of note? Nothing....unless you count his biography, which was grabbed up by fawning moonbats suffering from BDS and whose favorite word is "change," although they have no idea how that word fits Obama. How could they? Obama hems and haws and twists his answers to the extent that noone knows if his prior convictions are his current ones.

    Maybe BO means he will "CHANGE" his mind a lot on issues to whatever is politically advantageous at the time.
    #15     Jul 21, 2008
  6. What's a Pulitzer?

    #16     Jul 21, 2008
  7. Yeah, how dare Charles Krauthammer offer up an opinioin that has not been approved by Obama headquarters. Who does he think he is, criticizing the man who will heal our planet? Doesn't he want the planet to be healed? Doesn't he want the seas' relentless rise to cease? This is change we can believe in, not the old fashioned brand of Washington politics.
    #17     Jul 21, 2008
  8. 8 years later ....Compassionate Conservative? You're quite the superstar.

    Now...Who in the flying fawk is Krauthammer fellow?

    #18     Jul 21, 2008

  9. Some sort of poultry.:D
    #19     Jul 21, 2008
  10. I certainly do remember 9/11, as I remember Timothy McVee and all the other punks and criminals who have committed terrorist crimes around the world. I just feel that we should have gone after them with everything we had then instead of getting caught up in the stupid Iraq civil war mess.

    One of the problems with labeling himself a war time president is that he's only a war time president because he started the war in the first place. Invading Iraq does not equate to being attacked by the Japanese or the Germans, in my opinion.

    #20     Jul 22, 2008