Who destroyed world economy?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by talknet, Jan 8, 2009.

Who destroyed world economy?

  1. Giant Banks

    12 vote(s)
  2. Governments & politicians

    45 vote(s)
  3. Giant investment companies & Hedge & Mutual funds

    10 vote(s)
  4. Stock markets and Over-hyped real estates & commodities

    3 vote(s)
  5. Billionaire investors and industrialists

    2 vote(s)
  6. You (every people in the world)

    26 vote(s)
  1. The Druish destroyed the world economy.

    Damn Druish. Especially Druish American Princesses.

    #21     Jan 9, 2009
  2. Wow really? I did not know he was so powerful.
    #22     Jan 9, 2009
  3. Powerful - yes...
    Blind and Stupid - yes...

    Even Ben Bernake has no clue.
    #23     Jan 9, 2009
  4. C6H12O6


    I totally agree.
    Rating agencies gave triple A to trillions of toxic products, and paved the way for people behind them to carry out the biggest fraud of the century.
    Moreover we know well that rating agencies have always been used as a political weapons against companies or entire countries.

    So, actually the ultimate responsibility is of the people behind them, and behind the investment banks... it's always the same well known group of people, called "financial elite" that rules the world. Or, I should say, "rulED the world", since now they are so publicly exposed, that nobody trust them or their financial system anymore...
    #24     Jan 9, 2009
  5. Oh yeah? He is like a dictator, yes? You got any source for that? I would love to find where exactly it states he singlehandedly makes decisions or even has any equity stake in the Federal Reserve where he can just do as he pleases. It is a corporation, after all.

    Appearances can be deceiving.

    No, I think it's you and the many who think like you who have no clue. Completely blinded by smokescreens, distracted by loud noises & pretty colors.
    #25     Jan 9, 2009
  6. Actually, everything is going according to plan.
    #26     Jan 9, 2009
  7. lrm21


    Are you implying German may start another war? :p


    #27     Jan 9, 2009
  8. zdreg


    the financial elite are in the process of creating a new system where they will control you and all your assets.
    #28     Jan 9, 2009
  9. C6H12O6


    Anaconda&zdreg, yes, may be.
    But there's a huge difference between now and then: the financial elites are no more in the shadow, they lost their most valuable asset.

    Rating agencies: who believes them anymore ?
    Investment banks, they don't exists anymore: did they forecast their own death ? Who will believe now at their economic forecasts ?
    Hedge funds industry: LOL :D

    You are right, we common people don't have much power to fight the elites. But now everyone knows that they, and their institutions, are the last ones to listen to, when we have to allocate our assets.
    Everyone, like you and me, now knows the FED, the IMF, the BIS, etc. This will be a completely different world.
    #29     Jan 9, 2009
  10. C6H12O6


    I'll make an example: here in Italy, the central bank governor is Mr.Draghi, an ex-GoldmanSachs, like Paulson

    Last month, the italian minister of Finance, Mr.Tremonti, frontally attacked and publicly mocked him and his world, it was really humiliating and fun :D
    "It's crazy to take lessons from people who have understood nothing, or understood a lot and got everything wrong," he said.

    Well, after that, NOBODY spoke in defense of the Goldman Sachs guy... LOL
    This should be a clear message.

    In Germany, where a politician called the hedge funds "locusts", where the government and Porsche set up the trap for the Volkswagen shorts, it could be even worse for them. At least here in the eurozone, I think and hope that the international financial elite won't have much room anymore.
    #30     Jan 9, 2009