Who are more convincing liars, Repubs or Dems?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Feb 15, 2006.

Who are the better liars?

  1. Democrats

    10 vote(s)
  2. Republicans

    22 vote(s)
  1. Arnie


    We still haven't established that they actually lied. I completely refuted the weak arguments that have been put forth.
    #21     Feb 16, 2006
  2. 80% of those polled think repubs are better liars, including some of the right wingers.....

    Oh, and I don't see that you actually refuted anything...

    The question unanswered, is why the republicans are better at lying....

    See, they are so damn good, they even got you fooled...

    p.s. You didn't refute Cunningham, Nixon, Reagan.

    Oh, and do you remember during the debates where Cheney said he hadn't met or been on the Senate floor with Edwards, then the bloggers had photos of him with Edwards 15 minutes later....

    #22     Feb 16, 2006
  3. for ya klans who need more evidence of this, look at cheney's chat with brit the ugly hume.
    peter jenning must be rolling in his grave seeing his protege goin over to the darkside.
    #23     Feb 16, 2006
  4. Dems do not need to lie, all they need to do is explain the policy.

    Republicans on the other hand lie to hide the REAL policy and give the public smoke and mirrors instead of the facts. To further spread the lie about the policy the republicans send boyking on the road for a dog and pony show.
    #24     Feb 16, 2006
  5. Jesus this is too easy:

    "We found the weapons of mass destruction." –President Bush, in an interview with Polish television, May 29, 2003

    "We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." –Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, when asked about weapons of mass destruction in an ABC News interview, March 30, 2003

    "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties." —President Bush, discussing the Iraq war with Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson, after Robertson told him he should prepare the American people for casualties.

    Not a lie but funny:

    "My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators." –Vice President Dick Cheney, "Meet the Press," March 16, 2003

    The one time Bush told the truth was just before the 2004 election where he said the war on terror cannot be won.
    #25     Feb 16, 2006
  6. Jesus this IS too easy-

    So all the 'lies' don't CONVINCE you then , right? And they're pretty 'bad' lies....

    So who is the more CONVINCING liars?

    I bet you believed your poster-boy Clinton, right up to the time they produced the cum stained dress. So I guess you liberals were convinced by his testimony.

    So does that make Dims the more CONVINCING liars?????
    #26     Feb 16, 2006
  7. The reason a Democrat presidential candidate will *NEVER* win in the South again is they have NO good liars in the party. The only good liar they ever had was William Jefferson Clinton. Therefore the question arises. Why do politicians need to lie to Southern inbreeds to get votes? My opinion is that Southern inbreeds are so scummy that there is no politician who actually likes these illiterates. Therefore the dishonest politician who can hold his nose and lie and act contrary to his own beliefs to pander to these illiterates will get their votes. Republican politicans seem to be better at this game than Democrats. Bill Clinton was the only Democrat who could fake liking these scum, therefore he got their votes. I make note that once he had the opportunity to leave Arkansas, he never went back. He moved as far away as he could from the heaving mass of illiterate Southern scum. He now resides in NY.

    Quote from Haroki:

    I bet you believed your poster-boy Clinton, right up to the time they produced the cum stained dress. So I guess you liberals were convinced by his testimony.

    So does that make Dims the more CONVINCING liars?????
    #27     Feb 16, 2006
    #28     Feb 16, 2006
  9. Pabst


    No body in HISTORY has ever been able to lie like a black and they're ALL Democrats.
    #29     Feb 16, 2006
  10. Are you drunk?

    Do your black neighbors know what a racist you are?

    #30     Feb 16, 2006