Who are all these clowns supporting Obsama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by stock777, May 1, 2008.

  1. Lucrum


    If the voting age were increased back to 21. Where IMO it belongs. And if a simple IQ test were to be required before voting,
    Obama wouldn't even be in the race.
    #11     May 3, 2008
  2. Yo, Momma!!!!! It's gonna be Obama.

    John McCain will be 4 more years of Bush. "100 years we will be there as occupiers"

    John McCain will need a draft. Do you want your sons AND DAUGHTERS to go and steal oil from others? http://www.hasbrouck.org/draft/draftandwar.html
    #12     May 3, 2008
  3. Does anyone here still tell their kids that anyone can be president? Does anyone honestly believe that propaganda?

    Oh, for those who wisecracked to me - just watch the credits of your next TV show or movie or porn movie, make note of the producer's name. You can't deny those facts.

    You'll see who really controls the media - why is it,the first thing an invading army does is to take over the media outlets? History has shown this. You can't deny those facts.

    Who owns our media outlets? Who sells us the false image telling us that we are not good enough, we need drugs/new cars/cosmetics/that christianity is evil/ that they whole world is against us (paranoid?) so we must destroy more arabs and send our kids to die for them?
    5000+ american bodies are piled up, rotting corpses, all a sacrifice to the death cult of the war machine. You see, if you are brainwashed to believe that you are better, that you are chosen, then to support that delusion you must destroy others who are "worthless"

    That we need 60-hour works weeks and a $500,000 mortgage to be considered "successful" - and then to numbed out on wacked out dangerous pyschriatic drugs (guess who dominates that profession).

    Numb out on the ritilin/prozac/excessive booze and food/ 60-hour work weeks/2-hour daily commutes, and keep worshiping that false image sold to us by the media! Obama is just one part of it - can he really offer hope? Get real.

    Tell me, does anyone here really think they let just ANYONE run a $12/billion month war machine? Serious question.
    #13     May 3, 2008

  4. but he offers Change.....:confused:

    i have friends like this.. they can't even tell you what the federal reserve is or why they pay taxes. they are "in the system" and fixated on their goals. they used to smirk when gold was mentioned or higher oil prices. now they keep their smirks to themselves, but they resent their denial put in jeopardy.
    #14     May 3, 2008
  5. piezoe


    I know what the federal reserve is and why i pay taxes. I am voting for Obama, assuming he gets the nomination and someone does not kill him before the election. Having someone in the White House that is Bright, Articulate, and Well-Educated would be a tremendous change. There's your CHANGE!
    #15     May 3, 2008
  6. well they think they know those answers also... but they don't.

    and i will not be content with your brand of Change... i would like some substance. sorry, but all i see with Obama is globalist coming in and screwing us a different way.

    granted he talks tough but didn't he vote for the re-authorization of the patriot act? and also vote to continue the Iraq war? ummm... i know someone that stood his ground on these issues.
    #16     May 3, 2008
  7. kut2k2


    For all of his flaws, Obama is still the least of three evils, and all the ET bigots are going apeshit over it. :p

    As for myself, I decided a while back that the lesser of two evils or the least of three evils is still evil, so once again I have to find a decent independent worth voting for.
    #17     May 3, 2008
  8. only dedicated bitches, who have proven to be so, will be chosen for that task, there are no other requirements, not even a minimum intelligence level
    #18     May 3, 2008

  9. yes.. that is why McCain is their fantasy candidate. dumb, ambitious, corrupt!
    #19     May 3, 2008
  10. Oh yah, as you sit there at your Dell computer, sipping a SBUX coffee, surfing Google and Facebook, reading Dear Abby and watching Larry 'I changed my last name' King, and listening to Amy druggie 'I probably changed my last name' Winehouse,
    sending your kids to die at the word of dual citizens:
    Perel, Rumsfeld, Convicted Traitor Scooter Libby, Zakheim, Wolfowitz, et al
    lining up to get your DHS Freedom card from Chertoff,
    earning 1.5% on your CDs courtesy of Greenspan and Bernanke....

    keep deluding yourself as to who is really in control of the country..

    I dare ya, ask for the audited records of electronic voting machines of the private companies who control them...try it - you'll get as far as you do in China
    #20     May 3, 2008