Whither Republicans?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. You are right on the money, but not just for Republicans....for our entire country. This issue will rot this nation from the inside out and is a far greater threat than radical Islam. I would guess this single issue cost Republicans many seats, just by true conservatives that stayed home. This shit is gonna' get ugly.
    #11     Nov 8, 2006
  2. Definitely. The irony though is that determined Democrat opposition prevented them from accomplishing some of the items you listed, like tax reform. Others were Bush's fault. like border security.

    Bottom line, we need some new leaders. Maybe try something new and get people that can speak in complete sentences.
    #12     Nov 8, 2006
  3. There's nothing to gloat about here for anyone in these election results imo anymore than you'd gloat about being called out to shoot a rabid animal.

    Dems have taken on a responsibility here. Both houses, and Bush for his part, better have gotten the message that they better start producing for the American people -- not just these crazy special interests and big corporations.

    We've got big pressing problems eating us alive. I'll be dismayed if this sinks down into bitter partisanship, impeachment and all that bullshit.
    #13     Nov 8, 2006
  4. kut2k2


    Maybe, but the Dems couldn't come close to sucking as bad as Repugs. Repugs have the all-time records.

    Two worst Administrations in US history: Shrub and Harding, both Repugs.

    Last two Presidents to balance the budget: Clinton and Johnson, both Democrats.

    The last Repugnikhan President to balance the budget: NOBODY !!!

    How the fuck did you assclowns get a reputation for fiscal responsibility? :D :D :D :D :D :D
    #14     Nov 8, 2006
  5. The problem is there is no agreement on what needs to be done. Democrats want to raise taxes, Republicans cut them. Democrats want socialized medicine, Republicans want to look out for drug companies. Some want more immigration and amnesty, others are dead set against it.

    At most, I look for fiddling around the edges. Minimum wage will be raised. Some changes made to social security drug program. There will be investigations, maybe even impeachment hearings. Even if Dem's don't want to, they have to throw some red meat to their activists.
    #16     Nov 8, 2006
  6. Dems want to raise taxes on the rich...

    Dems want to make health care affordable for all...

    Dems want to restore college tuition credits...

    #17     Nov 8, 2006
  7. Yeah right. Democrats want to raise taxes on working people, basically anyone who makes a decent living. They view them as greedy.

    Health care can never be "affodable for all" just as housing can't be. Liberals throw around these idiotic slogans to hide what they want, government run health care. If you like going to the Motor Vehicles Department, you'll love it.

    Why should taxpayers subsidize college students? They seem to have enough money for cell phones, beer, non stop partying. Ever hear of a job? All these subsidies go straight into the universities' well-stuffed coffers. They raise prices as fast as the government raises subsidies. The only difference between medicare and higher education is the government controls what health care providers can charge. Maybe they should start doing that with universities.
    #18     Nov 8, 2006
  8. That's just what we need- The gov't stepping in to regulate (=ruin) one of the few remaining thriving, world class industries this country has left.
    #19     Nov 8, 2006
  9. "Democrats want to raise taxes on working people, basically anyone who makes a decent living."

    Funny, the sheeple stopped believing the right wing lies long enough to vote them out, but look who keeps repeating them....

    #20     Nov 8, 2006