White House praises Rubio's immigration proposals

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. That's the old guard. The new generation of Hispanics are not anywhere near as conservative, and are not coming back to the old school way of thinking their grand parents had. Republicans are foolish to go easy on illegal immigration. It won't gain them a single new vote, and will cost them millions of conservatives who will just sit at home rather than support a party that has little difference from leftist dems. The free ice cream crowd has won the day. They always do until the bill comes. The bill has yet to arrive. It's still in the works and growing. Somebody gonna' get fucked really hard somewhere down the road when the piper wants his due.
    #11     Jan 16, 2013
  2. Lucrum


    #12     Jan 16, 2013
  3. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    It does, indeed. But I still hold out hope for Hispanics. African-Americans have shown they do not care if they are helped as long as they vote race: Jackson Jr, Wrangel, Obama etc.
    #13     Jan 16, 2013
  4. It is too bad CO, that you have drank the kool aid, and sided with a bunch who has been laughingly wrong for three consecutive years.

    The GOP is a dinosaur. They will be extinct, and in your lifetime.
    #14     Jan 16, 2013
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    No, he's right. When the free Ice Cream check comes due, and it will, then we'll see who drank kool aid.

    And yes, it will be in your lifetime.
    #15     Jan 16, 2013
  6. Lucrum


    Not unlike your "trading" journal, eh?
    #16     Jan 16, 2013
  7. The conversation was about what's best for the GOP. Legalizing the illegals won't help them one bit, so why bother? Young Hispanics ain't going the conservative route. They are very different than their parents and especially their grand parents.
    The youth of America in general, regardless of ethnicity will always gravitate towards the easier softer way until they learn the error of that choice. That's been true for generations. What's different now is that poor choice now has fewer immediate consequences. Punishment is being delayed and it's being delayed for political reasons. In short, the GOP is their parent saying you can't do that, and the Dems are their modern day, I'll be your buddy type parent that gives them a free pass. We see how that do as you will attitude has had a negative impact on the family structure in general. It can't do anything but spread nationally. The culture has changed and not for the better. We are weaker across the board. There will be a price to pay, not that we aren't already paying a price, but the tab will be much higher a few years down the road.
    #17     Jan 16, 2013
  8. An example of how minorites vote. If 31% of African Americans live in poverty, and 22% of Hispanics live in poverty with that trend going up instead of down, why are they still voting overwhelmingly democratic even though democrats have been promising them a better life for decades? Does this look like a group that wants a job, or one that knows who will keep giving them a check for doing nothing? At some point people just adjust, make do with what they have and live out their lives. The dem party has tapped into that mindset very effectively.
    As an example of that the study has shown "that almost half of Chicago’s population is living in or near poverty", yet Chicago is heavily democratic and has been forever.

    #18     Jan 16, 2013
  9. jem


    give a man fish and he will remain democrat, teach man to fish and then you will have to have the press marginalize him, strip him of his rights and have your drones call him a racist old republican.
    #19     Jan 17, 2013
  10. Lol Jem . . . now i understand Stu when he says you rewrite everything.:p.
    #20     Jan 17, 2013