Which website gives the Close of US Dollar Index?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Happy Hopping, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. I know the $DXY moves 24 hr. / day. So my problem is at 4 pm EST, if I didn't grab the close of this number, a few hr. later, it changes. And all the website I go to, gives the current fig., in which it is not the CLOSE fig. at 4 pm EST.

    Is there a web site gives the CLOSE at 4 pm EST?
  2. is this the right figure? im thinking stockcharts uses 4est as the close


    edit- the index value will vary from the futures contract which i do not trade
  3. netdania.com
  4. http://www2.barchart.com/mktcom.asp
    use Q for current week's daily quotes and C charts D will allow you to obtain
    older data - mouse under bars, plus the 30m chart gives you price, time, date
  5. barchart is definitely giving the real time or 20 min. delay

    I think netdania is giving the real time or 20 min. delay too.

    So I'll go w/ stockchart for now. I'll find out in a few hr. if that stockchart no. changes.

    Thanks for the tips guys