Which trading days in a week are best: Tue+Thur OR Tue+Fri?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by lukas, May 27, 2018.

  1. lukas

    lukas Guest

    If you were to pick 2 trading days in a week to day-trade, which ones of the following would you choose: Tuesdays + Thursdays, or Tuesdays + Fridays? If you could also briefly state the reason behind your choice, that would be appreciated.
  2. s0mmi


    Statistically the least volatile S&P500 day is Monday
    The second most volatile day is Friday
    The most volatile day is equal between Tue/Wed/Thu over-time

    If I had to pick two, I would think about whether or not my strategies make more money depending on U.S. Fed and ECB decisions/minutes/data.

    If I'm a trash-bin auto-fader I would probably pick Tues+Wed
    If I'm a sick kunt and I know what I'm doing, I'd pick Wed+Thu

    If I want to actually make money I'd trade all 5
    Buckey, d08, HobbyTrading and 2 others like this.
  3. lukas

    lukas Guest

    Thank you. Do you have any data to support the volatility observations you mentioned? That is quite interesting. So, would you pick Tue+Thurs out of the two pairs I suggested?
  4. Xela


    Tuesdays and Thursdays, with no hesitation at all.

    For me, Mondays and Fridays are the least interesting days, by quite some margin. Monday's worst, Friday's next worst, and then there's a big difference between those two and each of the three midweek days. (I do intraday trading only, and have done for years.)

    In the average week, I typically do more than 80% of my trades on the midweek days, and less than 10% each on Mondays and Fridays. Monday mornings and Friday afternoons I almost don't bother with, most weeks - there's probably an element of "personal preference" included in that decision: it's not all market-driven, but you get the idea: I would choose Thursday over Friday, for intraday trading, whatever you're trading, I think, just on "trading opportunity" grounds.

    (You're not Lukas Visser, by any chance, are you? No, probably not, I guess ...).
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
  5. comagnum


    Day of Week Strongest days for gains, in order (Traders Almanac 1990-2017)

    SPX - Wed, Fri, Mon
    NDX - Wed, Thurs, Fri

    Fridays have seen some of the largest moves by far of any day over the last year or so. They used to be sleepers - not anymore.

    Wed are notorious for big reversals mid day, that is if the market had been in sell off leading up to it.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
  6. Turveyd


    Tuesday and Thursday, lower volumes those days = bigger faster moves and Thursday is generally a strong news day, can be flat before big news mind and crazy after.
  7. diff tickers have unique trend vs. chop days. From April 2017 to Sept 2017 , AAPL had its big moves on Wednesdays BUT shifted to fridays mid June onwards...The snip below shows two greens bars next to each other representing Fridays then Mondays. As you can see the left side of chart shows AAPl being more volatile on WEd then shifted to busier fridays on right side of chart. Other tickers are way diff
    comagnum likes this.
  8. CSEtrader


    I like more Tuesdays and Thursdays, their governing planets are Mars(battle) and Jupiter(money), more movements, more volumes.
  9. maxinger


    Talk about day trading.

    Mentality should be EVERYDAY is good.

    The more you try to improve the accuracy of your trading system, the worse your outcome.
  10. newwurldmn


    Studies I have seen and I have conducted do not support this conclusion.
    #10     May 27, 2018
    Laissez Faire likes this.