Which Poster Is Worse?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by ByLoSellHi, Jul 16, 2009.

Which Poster Is Worse?

  1. A

    9 vote(s)
  2. B

    29 vote(s)
  1. Thank you Sir.

    I just find it downright pathetic that this is allegedly a TRADING website that applies to the financial markets, and yet some of the BIGGEST posters here ( AAAinthebeltway, S2007S, Gnome aka: Scataphagos, and BuyLowSellHi ) don't even trade 1 share.

    They spend their entire day posting "cut and paste" articles on how the economy is falling a part and how the Government is doing this, that, or the other thing - - - and yet none of it really applies to TRADING the MARKET.

    Rarely does the Economy have much to do with TRADING. In fact, you can get downright crushed trying to fit your economic "bias" towards your trading.

    Doing so can be quite dangerous.
    #31     Jul 23, 2009