Which one gives you the best bang for your buck?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Stocktracker, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. In your opinion, which news subscription is better for market research and data, Investor Business Daily, Barron or Wall Street Journal? Why?

    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. Overnight


    Isn't Barron's the one with the Wall Street bull as a logo? I'd pick that one. The bull is a sign of optimism in the market.
    d08 likes this.
  3. everyone is bullish this market wtf are you on about
  4. Overnight


    Lol, nothing dude. I'm on about nothing. Nevermind.
  5. dealmaker


    IBD if you are going to trade, Barron's if you are going to invest and WSJ for toilet paper.

    PS I'd get FT before WSJ...
    murray t turtle and Handle123 like this.
  6. truetype


    All three are quality publications. Barron's is my favorite.
  7. Well put deal maker thanks!
    murray t turtle and dealmaker like this.
  8. Be aware, they all lean towards the highest advertising $
  9. 2rosy


    The economist
    JSOP likes this.
  10. I've subscribed to WSJ and Barron's in the past (not IBD).

    WSJ is good if you want to read some editorial pieces or in-depth articles after the events occurred (or sometimes they trigger the event -- but by the time you've finished reading it you've missed the event).

    Barron's seems to be a more lightweight version of WSJ with more commentary.

    I've left the two and do not feel any less informed. I get what I need from reading Reuters/AP directly.

    (Note: One of the reasons I left WSJ is that they seemed to push the good economic articles into their premium subscription, and I didn't like that).
    #10     Feb 26, 2017