Which Monte Carlo Simulator to use

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by agrau, Sep 29, 2003.

  1. agrau


    Dear All,

    which MCS tool are you using and why? I see there are tools available already crafted to traders (like ProSizer or TradeSim ) and general purpose tools (like @Risk or Crystal Ball).

    Curious what your experiences are, and how valuable you find the results.


  2. H2O


    There's another one at http://www.tickquest.com

    I don't use these.I use the one that came with my system annalyser (included in my datafeed)
  3. Aaron


    I use @Risk and it works well. I can't tell you how it compares to the others you mentioned because I've never tried the others.

    The results are very valuable. Please see my online interactive seminar archived at the CBOT for examples of how I use it. Here's a link: http://www.cbot.com/cbot/dow/cont_detail/0,2614,4+9029,00.html
  4. You might want to take a look here:

    and look under add-ins. I have the Beta Monte Carlo Lab (MC-Lab) Version running here and it is amazing how it is integrated. Test a portfolio with portfolio level money management and run the MC, then change the MM and run the MC again. Amazing results - good to know what to expect.

    Aaron, I know that you are still using TS and are checking out our site for system ideas (quote from your interview here on the forum), but I believe it is also time to take a look at the software WLD3:)? I don't think there is any software that offer so many features and additional features?

  5. Aaron


    You are very timely, Volker. I was just checking out WLD3 this morning. The integration with Interactive Brokers and E-signal sounds great.

    Yes, we still use Tradestation 2000i and I have no plans of using 7.x because they don't have Eurex data or connectivity. At some point we are going to have to migrate from this obsolete and unsupported platform and Wealth Lab is the top contender. Right now, though, the pain of moving still outweighs the advantages. We've got a lot of Easylanguage code that would need to be rewritten.

    I have recommended Wealth Lab to many people and will continue to do so. If I were starting fresh without legacy code I would probably choose Wealth Lab.
  6. nitro


    As soon as Wealth-Lab supports IQFeed, you get $650 from me.

    I see that you are suppporting RealTick soon. That is tremendous.

    A really boneheaded thing that WLD 3.0 does is that signals do not work in "realtime," (alerts/signals are not based/updated on every tick) only on the close of the bar. Need to change that, otherwise all of your intraday stuff is almost worthless.

    Finally, testing on say 1 minute ES bars for more than about two years seems to blow up WLD.

  7. virgin


    What's the website of @risk ?
  8. nitro


  9. BKuerbs


  10. lhclin

    lhclin TickQuest

    TickQuest's MCS tool Equity Monaco is a free tool. It can work with any program that can output a position list. Here is a direct link:


    BTW, NeoTicker's current 3.2 beta is already working with IQFeed.

    #10     Sep 29, 2003