Which Lobby Group Is Strongest..

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Apr 10, 2009.

Which is the most powerful lobby group in America?

  1. NEA

    1 vote(s)
  2. Oil Lobby

    1 vote(s)
  3. Ag Lobby

    0 vote(s)
  4. AIPAC

    11 vote(s)
  5. NRA

    3 vote(s)
  6. Military Contractors

    3 vote(s)
  7. The Pentagon

    1 vote(s)
  8. Banking

    1 vote(s)
  9. Insurance

    0 vote(s)
  10. Prescription Drug Companies

    4 vote(s)
  11. Pro Environmental Lobby

    1 vote(s)
  12. Other

    1 vote(s)
  1. Okay.

    Let's say America has a choice between defending only one country.

    1. Israel
    2. Taiwan

    Say the Red Chinese decide to take back Taiwan. Do we go to war with Red China?

    Say Iran wants to attack Israel.
    Do we go to war with Iran?

    If we have to choose, who do we defend on principle, and which country actually has the most political influence in that decision?

    Which of the two countries would actually need the most help in the area of self defense?


    As far as your ridiculous argument that:

    "....allow it to be overrun by non jews you undermine christianity" is of course complete nonsense.

    Christians themselves setting bad examples in their lust for wealth, the failures in their family structures, their intolerance of the way other people live and the scandals in the Catholic Church are the greatest threat to Christianity...

    #11     Apr 12, 2009

  2. You truly are not right in the head. By protecting Taiwan, US is going against the desires of a major military power with a security council veto(Don't forget China considers Taiwan a renegade province). No major power covets Israel. So I would say protecting Taiwan is more dangerous.

    If Iran attacks Israel, Israel can reply in kind, never forget that Israel is the strongest regional power (though not the strongest power in the region :)) Taiwan is totally helpless against China.

    The point I was making escaped you totally. I hope more reasonable individuals will see what I was writing.
    #12     Apr 12, 2009
  3. I see, so Israel doesn't need our support, they can handle their own backyard, and they can handle criticism by US pols of their policies...so why do they need a strong lobby group?

    Then why do we care so much about Taiwan?

    Because of their strong lobby group?


    #13     Apr 12, 2009
  4. Israel needs US but not in the open belligerent capacity. Israel relies on US for cash, military gear and to block hostile UN resolutions.

    Mom0/pH0x I need reinforcements.
    #14     Apr 12, 2009
  5. I see, so Israel doesn't need our support, they can handle their own backyard,

    and they can handle criticism by US pols of their policies...

    so why do they need a strong lobby group?
    first of all AIPAC is not an Israeli lobby group, it's a lobby group representing american citizens and an overwhelming majority of american citizens share their views on the conflict whether they are AIPAC members or not. Very few fringe nutcases share your anti-semitic, anti-Israel, uber-leftist, pro-Islamofascist convictions.

    Other than that it makes perfect sense to have powerful friends rather than powerful enemies so Israel is obviously interested in having good relations with the US. For the same reason the US is interested in having good relations with Israel, it makes more sense to be allies with regional superpowers like Israel than with impotent pathetic losers like Syria, Palis and other medieval tribes.
    #15     Apr 12, 2009
  6. "first of all AIPAC is not an Israeli lobby group."

    Have they ever taken a position that in any way could be seen as against or not 100% supportive of the state of Israeli's political policy?

    It is so typical to see anyone who questions Israel to get the knee jerk slobbering reaction of:

    "Very few fringe nutcases share your anti-semitic, anti-Israel, uber-leftist, pro-Islamofascist convictions."

    #16     Apr 12, 2009
  7. How much oil does Israel pump out of the ground?

    What a joke.

    We need oil from the middle east, and Israel provides little to none.

    The Arab states have never in their history (apart from the Crusades) shown any great solidarity in fighting a foreign power. They are tribal.

    China represents a much greater threat than the collective Arab states.

    ...and now that we are in both Iraq and Afghanistan influencing their governments, we don't really need Israel at all.

    Not saying they don't have a right to defend themselves or exist, but we don't need them.

    If they disappeared from the earth, America would be fine. If Saudi Arabia stopped pumping any oil, we would be fucked...not because we need their oil directly, but without them oil would go nuts to the upside and create serious problems in America.

    What would I like to see?

    No money for Israel for at least 5 years to a decade.

    Same goes for Egypt and all other countries around the world (except maybe Great Britain---they are the only ally that we can count on).

    A moratorium on all foreign aid for 5 to 10 years until we get our own country back in order would be the best plan. Take the money saved and develop our own country and our own energy creation, and secure our own borders.

    Take care of America and Americans who hold a single US passport (no help to dual citizens) first, expel all illegals, and that is something that has not been done in generations, at least since Eisenhower...

    #17     Apr 12, 2009
  8. Politics is not about charity it never was nor will it ever be. If you can't see a reason why US supports Israel besides AIPAC does not mean it does not exist.

    US does a lot of debatable things. How much profit is there from taking Poland, Lithuania and Latvia into NATO? None. The reason it was done was to weaken russia. Why is US trying to get Ukraine into NATO? To protect "democracy"? hell no. It is to weaken Russia.

    Pan arabic nationalism was a headache for the british empire and it got transferred to US.

    I personally don't like OIL sheiks. Cutting all crap aside, which country is closer to US values, Saudi Arabia or Israel? Saudi Arabia is flush with OIl revenues and it is still a backward country, Israel is more progressive.

    Israel is a representative of US interests in the middle east and a hold over from the cold war. But some of us want to throw it overboard and befriend countries that were allied with the soviet union.
    #18     Apr 12, 2009
  9. Why give a crap who is closest to our values?

    Our current values in this country have left America in the worst mess it has been in in well over 60+ years.

    #19     Apr 12, 2009
  10. Right... and then your emboldened islamofascist buddies invade Israel once again (which is the real reason why you want Israel abandoned) and this time Israel will nuke (not just bomb) the crap out of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and a few other oil-rich arab states. How is that going to affect oil prices, genius?
    #20     Apr 12, 2009