Which is the greatest threat to America?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Nov 13, 2009.

Which is the greatest threat to America?

  1. Foreign

    1 vote(s)
  2. Domestic

    24 vote(s)
  1. Foreign or Domestic?
  2. Lucrum


    I was going to vote : Domestic, Left wing nut, liberal, drunken, scientology pedophiles - but it wasn't an option.
  3. Ricter


    Time. History proceeds interminably and we are not exempt.
  4. The greatest threat to america is the idiocy of its citizens, those who listen to glenn beck, those who think fox news is balanced, those who thought W was going to restore dignity to the white house. In the last months of his presidency, W had around 30% job approval rating, that means that 30% of the voting public in this country are hopelessly stupid morons.
  5. depends who you ask. oddly, i was speaking to a british guy today and he said tht the USA is one of the most right -wing countries in the world.
  6. I had to choose domestic because the greatest threat to America are the left wing fruitcakes who defend the murders of US Citizens. Hey Optional777, this means you.
  7. Ricter


    I've observed the same thing myself. Many here think our MSM is biased to the left. Until you look at the rest of the planet.
  8. I don't know that we should be listening to the Brits all that much. They had a great empire not too long ago until they let liberalism infect their thinking which caused the un-doing of their empire. The are now a joke on the international stage and only get attention if the US backs them. Its a damn shame what liberalism did to them.

    If we want to defeat the Chinese we ought to export liberalism to them. They will collaspe in no time. Of course we know, the Chinese will not buy into it which means the US, which adopted liberalism, will get the short end of the stick. Ohhh well, liberalism crushes another great country. Ohhh well, it looks like its time to brush up on my mandarin.
    #10     Nov 13, 2009