Which future market contract has more Human presence than HFTs and Robots?

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by tiagovaz, Apr 2, 2018.

  1. tiagovaz


    I would like to know if you know which future contract is better to trade with order flow scalping, Those that have more human presence are better than those that have more presence of HFTs and Robots, Which contract do you suggest ?
  2. your first post, and if you're smart your last.

    get a real job.
  3. tiagovaz


    I think not all contracts have a presence of HFTs such as SP500, so I'm not so wrong like that
  4. comagnum


    That would be the Nikkie 225 mini (Yen). Still mostly human traded. with deep liquidity around the clock - big ranges, this is break out market. The ticker is N225M.
    tiagovaz likes this.
  5. tiagovaz


    Thanks comagnum
    comagnum likes this.
  6. 2rosy


  7. wlnd


    it may be subjective what qualifies as 'more human traders'. it may be that nk225 futures have comparatively more human traders. only exchanges will have data on this

    thou I can tell you for sure that there are lots of algos on index futures, & for nk225. I scalped this for intermarket arbitrage around 2010 when algos were ramping up their presence. the intermarket arb edge even then, was already algo dominated. that was 8 years ago. products like nk225, on which etfs are based, will also tend to have automated trading programs working to keep prices in line

    the longer your timeframe, the less you need to worry about algos. hft algos' edge largely exist on the ultra-short timeframe, where they can 'jump queue' ahead of your orders, & conduct arb on short term inefficiencies across exchanges
    comagnum likes this.
  8. Answering your title, aren't ag futures still floor traded?
    Sig likes this.
  9. Handle123


    Commodities that have lower open interest most likely not big on HFTs. Coffee has nice movements, make sure you use limits to get in, cocoa ok, but biggest problems of lighter traded markets is "when" you have to get out, slippage occurs in horrible ways sometimes.
  10. Sig


    Good answer. I think the problem for the OP is that the products without HFT involvement almost by definition have low liquidity, wide bid ask spreads, and a massive adverse selection bias against you if you're not in that specific commodities industry. If you're a wheat farmer in Kansas you're going to have a good idea of where wheat crops are going long before it makes it into crop reports you read, for example, simply by being immersed in it and picking up clues from both your own crop and the conversation at the diner, at church on Sunday, and at your kid's little league games.
    #10     Apr 3, 2018
    truetype likes this.