Which broker's trading platform can support automated order with Wealth-Lab?

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by hylt, May 18, 2005.

  1. hylt


  2. Fidelity is the only broker for new users in the United States. No FX, no futures. If you have a copy of Wealth-Lab Developer that was purchased prior to the Fidelity deal you can use the IB interface.
  3. hylt


    The commision of FX in IB is very costly for small account.
  4. I was also looking for an answer to this question.
    The closest thing I managed to find, is automated trading using VT Trader - which is a forex trading platform - by CMS (http://www.cmsfx.com)

    The scripting environment is not as nice as in Wealth Lab, but still, I found VT Trader to be a good platform for this purpose.
  5. hylt


    Thanks. I will try it.