Where will the Nasdaq close on Dec 31, 2003?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by deadreader, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. Besides votting in the poll, please post your specific predictions on this thread.
  2. ETRDR


    Long term predictions may be challenging, or may fun, but If you're trading intraday, totally irrelevant.

    Observing over the years there are about 50% of the people in the "know" who turn out to be right about where the market will be in several months to come.

    I knew about 3 years ago, when my conservative 57 year old brother, who only bought AAA bonds for 30 years decided to start getting into NASDQ stock - it "was over".

    When the very last buyer is buying, watch out below!
  3. Cutten


    Since I'm currently flat in that market, my prediction is the current price, 1890.
  4. .
  5. .
  6. nkhoi


    To the moon Alice! Straight to the moon!
  7. .
  8. Quah


    In New York.
  9. Interesting that only 50% think the Nasdaq moves higher in the next 11 weeks.
  10. Above 2300 8 18.60%
    2200-2300 1 2.33%
    2100-2200 2 4.65%
    2000-2100 8 18.60%
    1900-2000 5 11.63%
    1800-1900 3 6.98%
    1700-1800 4 9.30%
    1600-1700 4 9.30%
    1500-1600 1 2.33%
    Below 1500 7 16.28%
    #10     Dec 31, 2003