Where were you when 9/11 occured?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gunslinger, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. I was on the phone with Cantor Trading Desk about 1 hour before the plane hit. Our salesman was in from Chicago that day, I was calling to see if he was still hung over from the night before. As it occurs, he seems to never make it into the office before noon after the first night in NYC.

    My boss at the time was concerned that if we had any unsettled trades with Cantor, we would be dk'd. Yes, that was his first instinct. His second remark that day, was to tell his buddies that one of his former associates, who had left to join a firm based in the WTC, was killed that day and his family would suffer because he should have never taken that offer.

    Personally, I lost about 20 collegues of mine who I had either worked with, gone to school with, or were friends of friends. This morning listened to radio rebroadcasts of that morning were like it was yesterday. I would have to say it is probably one of the few days of my life where I remember every second and every detail.
    #11     Sep 11, 2006
  2. Damn thats rough, there were 4 distant acquaintances of mine who died on that day, but nobody closer than that. I would also say that it was a day when most remember every second.
    #12     Sep 11, 2006
  3. After hearing about it online I watched the 2nd part unfold on TV. My first reaction was- this is exaclty like a controlled demolition.

    As were many others, until the history revisionists stepped in. Common sense, folks.

    And they are profiting mightely from the coup that resulted from it.

    Have a read as to what seasoned newsmen saw too:

    I would suggest that you start investgating the crime scene, well the evidence that was not shipped away ASAP. You owe it to your friends to treat it like any other crime scene. Facts. We need them. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt. That's democracy.


    Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | September 11 2006

    Rarely highlighted footage of an NBC news anchor commenting that the collapse of the twin towers was by no means accidental and that it was a "planned" event, emphasizes the point that before the official mind control script was introduced and parroted forevermore, everybody's first reaction was "controlled demolition."

    The NBC anchor featured in this clip is simply reacting to the events he is witnessing with common sense in stating that the collapse of the trade towers was obviously a planned event and by no means an accident or a simple consequence of jets hitting the buildings.

    "This was clearly -- the way the structure is collapsing -- this was the result of something that was planned."

    "This is not, it's not accidental that the first tower just happened to collapse and then the second tower just happened to collapse in exactly the same way."

    "How they accomplished this, we don't know. But clearly this is what happened."

    This is what I wrote in the late afternoon of September 11, 2001.

    "The collapse of the World Trade Center towers is also perplexing. They clearly imploded as if being demolished by carefully placed bombs within the building. The explanation that the aircraft fuel from the Boeing caused the implosion doesn't tally with the footage of the event. Surely such a method would produce a more inconsistent and graphic explosion? The building collapsed symmetrically."

    CBS News' Dan Rather also commented that the collapse of building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, resembled a deliberate attempt to demolish the structure using incendiary devices.

    "For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before when a building was deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite to knock it down."

    NBC's Pat Dawson reported the working hypothesis of the FDNY in the immediate aftermath of the towers' collapse.

    "The chief of safety of the Fire Department of New York City told me he received word of a possibility of a secondary device -- that is another bomb going off. He tries to get his men out as quickly as he could, but he said that there was another explosion which took place and according to his theory, he thinks that there were actually devices that were planted in the building."

    MSNBC news anchor Rick Sanchez reported that police had found suspicious devices in and around the WTC area and that the secondary explosions, which were reported by numerous survivors, were thought by police to be bombs.

    "Police have found what they believe to be a suspicious device and they fear that it may lead to another explosion."

    "I spoke with some police officials moments ago, Chris, and they told me they have reason to believe that one of the explosions at the World Trade Center aside the ones caused by the planes, may have been caused by a van that was parked on the building that may have had an explosive device in it."

    During an exchange between ABC's Peter Jennings and reporter Don Dahler following the collapse of the north tower, the first assumption is again that controlled demolition must have been used to take down the building.

    "Yes Peter its Don Dahler down here. I'm four blocks north of the World Trade Center. The second building that was hit by the plane has just completely collapsed."

    "The entire building has just collapsed as if a demolition team set off....when you see the old demolition of these old buildings. It just folded in on itself and it is not there anymore."

    Peter Jennings: "If you wish to bring, if anyone has ever watched a building being demolished on purpose knows, that you're going to do this you have to get at the, at the under infrastructure of a building and bring it down."

    Police chiefs, fire department heads, veteran news anchors, eyewitnesses on the ground - everyone's first reaction was "controlled demolition" because the events suggested nothing else. In the first few hours of 9/11 - bombs in the buildings was almost as equally understood and accepted as the fact that planes had hit the towers.

    #13     Sep 11, 2006
  4. Wow, what an incredible insight. Gosh, you're smart.
    #14     Sep 11, 2006
  5. so this jackass wants us to believe that backup bombs were in place just in case the jetliners werent enough. if the building would have fell like a tree this bozo would have a lone chainsawer theory. anyone knows what happens when you throw an empty beer can into a camp fire,,, it folds inward. just like those buildings did
    #15     Sep 11, 2006

  6. have you no shame dude... you know damn well you werent there. my guess is you were probably pissed because the view and rosie odonell shows were preempted by the breaking news. office was a block away from the wtc,, bohahahahahahahahaha youre a fucking riot. only a scum bag would insert himself into a tradegy where real people died
    #16     Sep 11, 2006
  7. I was in Asia, working in the industry. All of us were at the office late when someone got a phone call about a plane hitting a WTC tower. We blew it off as likely a smallish piper airplane and some psychotic at the stick. (No TV at hand in the office ...)

    Later I was reading the headlines scroll off Bloomberg, and other cell calls came in re: a second airplane and a bomb at the capital (remember that?).

    That was about the time I wrapped up what I was doing and headed out - when it had become clear it was a terrorist attack. Was after 9pm in Asia. Stayed up most all night watching the news.

    Kind of weird as an American in Asia at the time 'cause you got the sense everyone looked at you (in sympathy) with that question: "So, what do you propose to do about it?"


    It was a bit weird 'cause work went on for us even as US markets were shut and US colleagues were incognito due to getting stranded by cancelled flights.
    #17     Sep 12, 2006
  8. working late on a trading floor in tokyo with CNN live playing above our heads... when the 1st plane hit, it was so incredible it was difficult to make sense of what was happening... then, the 2nd plane hit...
    #18     Sep 12, 2006
  9. Ah yes, it was all a dream. All in the favor of making Dick Cheney wealthy. I guess his blind trust got out of HAL before it started tanking this summer.
    #19     Sep 12, 2006
  10. I was at LUV Field airport that day in Dallas...........very strange as no planes were flying once everything was grounded. 9/11 really really pisses me off to this day (I in no way believe the official story....NO F*&%ing WAY)...........just my $.02
    #20     Sep 12, 2006