Does anyone know of a cheap source for E-mini future quotes? I am currently evaluating Quicken Quotes Live (QQL) and eSignal w/Ensign. QQL is wonderful but as many here have noted they do not supply the E-minis. eSignal does supply the e-minis but their charts suck. Ensign improves things but I cannot stand their quirky and buggy interface. I have tried the free quotes at but their chart is just too small. The ultimate solution would be to use QQL and supplement it with a cheap ($10-$20/month) service that only provides the e-minis. Is there such a thing? Thanks.
QCharts is very good for futures. Charting is great, reliability is not bad unlike the Level II, customer service is awful. Not sure how they are handling e-mini pricing. Could CME have made a bigger mess of anything than they did the e-mini pricing?
The new CME package looks great starting at $30 a month. Anyone tried it yet? I would drop Nextrend in a heartbeat if there was a good alternative. Ohoh I just read you have to "upgrade" just to get the Futuresource charts ... of course should have figured that.
rob: âEnsign improves things but I cannot stand their quirky and buggy interface.â Iâve had Ensign as a backup for a number of months now and Iâd say that, though my experience working with it is limited, your assessment is right on. On the few occasions that I have observed it during RTH, the Esignal data appears to update perfectly but the studies, pointer tools, etc. will do all sorts of strange things including disappearing, no longer updating, and/or not accepting inputs. These problems continue after-market, as well. While Ensign may offer some powerful capabilities via its ESPL language, its interface is fairly primitive.
saw the demo on thecme site..$30 a month..any idea what you get for this..does the futuresource charts cost more as an add on ..I can't seem to find any more info beyond the demo..?thx
Got this in reply to an email: "Thank you for your interest in E-quotes. You can get most of the necessary information about E-quotes on our Web site by taking the Flash tour. If you would like to provide me with your mailing address, I can send you a brochure as well. The product will provide real-time streaming quotes for all CME products, with an E-mini equity package for a lower cost. We have an E-mini equity package for $30 that includes FutureSource basic charting and ODJ futures news headlines. The All CME products package, which also includes the basic charts and news headlines, is $85. You can upgrade either the charts and/or news for an additional cost. For data only, our prices are $10 and $60 per month for the E-mini equity and All CME products respectively. The brochure has more of the pricing information. We are targeting March 4th as our launch date and beginning then the registration/subscription process on will provide the necessary information about which package is best for you."