Where the heck are you Steve Bannon?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. jem


    Breitbart seems to have lost any sense of direction and mission.

    Half the articles are critical of Trump, (which is fine) but if you are taking down Trump you have to put up issues and people in his place.

    Beyond Breitbart, coming into the 2018 election there is no one speaking for the 60 percent who is un represented in D.C.

    Bannon... please take a platform or tell us you out so someone steps in and takes your place.

    We don't need a silent economic majority. We need a vocal majority one demanding lower taxes for individuals, the end of obamacare... cease immigration... etc. see Virginia Dare's post about a week ago.
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  2. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Bannon was too.
  3. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Like Roy Moore?
  4. One forgets Jem sincerely believes Bannon and his old crew come to ET politics for his guidance.
    UsualName likes this.
  5. RRY16


    He gets the phony click numbers and thinks people listen to him. Odd behavior.
    Slartibartfast likes this.