Where TF is the Border Wall?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MoneyMatthew, Aug 22, 2018.

  1. We were promised a border wall by Donald Trump. Put aside your message board beefs for a moment and ask yourself "Where the f*ck is the Wall?". Donald Trump is talking crazy shit with building a "Space Force" yet 2 years into his Presidency he can't even build a wall or at least start building the wall in a significant way?

    Is Trump really tough on immigration? Obama was doing the same things yet Trump somehow gets to become an immigration tough guy based on liberal spin. Is he really that skilled and tough compared to Obama on illegal immigration?

    Trump got elected for one reason and one reason only, and that is to build a wall.2 years into this and I still don't see a Wall.

    I'm sorry, I just feel that most Republicans are do-nothings. I know it will be hard to vote against them when Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and the crew consider abolishing ICE along with the rest of the Open Border Democrats. If Democrats could drop this stuff then they would probably win.

    However, how long can we keep throwing our votes into the abyss with the Republicans? It is really simple, build a WALL or never get elected again. No Wall=No Re-election.
  2. RedDuke


    Trump has more important things to do. Tweet about peddy shit, lies about peddy shit and play golf. No time for the wall.

    I guess we all still waiting for that check for Mexico to start construction.
  3. Not enough support in Congress. With the help of God we all hope that will change in November.
    elderado likes this.
  4. Cuddles


  5. elderado


    Ask Nancy Pelosi or the new head of the demoncrat party, Maxine "IMPEACH 45" Waters.

    Why you are asking a bunch of forum junkies is beyond me.
  6. He had plenty of leverage on congress. He just decided not to use it for some reason. Perhaps he needed to save his ammo for impeachment.
    MoneyMatthew likes this.
  7. I'm just saying that we need to get ahead of this. Consider what life looks like after Trump is long gone. You will have a string of Republicans pretending and mimicking Trump to try to recreate his populist success. They will deliver nothing but tough talk unless you set a clear goal. Nothing is more clear or measurable than a Wall. It either exists or it does not.

    Happy talk is fine for the SJW Open Borders crowd. I need more than talk to make me happy. I need to see a Wall. It does not get anymore simple than that. If the Republicans can't do that then they are just nothing but talk.
    vanzandt and Optionpro007 like this.
  8. Too many liberal Republicans in the ranks is my estimation. They couldn't fix healthcare, why get together on the wall proposal?

    As I stated, hope November brings change.
    MoneyMatthew likes this.
  9. exGOPer


    That would be so much different than what Trump is doing!
    Cuddles likes this.
  10. RedDuke


    Yes November, let’s see what people choose. President that tearing country apart and causing so much damage that it will take generations to heal, if possible, or bright future for our great country.
    #10     Aug 22, 2018
    exGOPer likes this.