Where someone was selling the stock to buy, then sell the stock if not so many people

Discussion in 'Trading' started by hroiwer, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. hroiwer


    Where someone was selling the stock to buy, then sell the stock but not so many people to buy more, then put some stock being where to? There is a lot of cost analysis software distribution, and that the cost of distribution in this diagram, are also considered to sell shares in the cost distribution in it? Or be bought only that part count on the inside.
  2. Jack and Jill went up the hill.......... How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  3. Obvious answer is 13 %
  4. I believe Dr. Science put it best:
    "I have a lawnmover....do you like grapes?"
  5. ignore anyone with less than 13000 posts, they are shills, retards, and frauds