Where is this Market going?

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by 2manywhiners, Jul 24, 2006.

Where is this Market going?

  1. All the way down to the fiery depths of HELL!

    5 vote(s)
  2. All the way to the grocery store with a handful of Food Stamps!

    2 vote(s)
  1. So are you guys saying that large swings in upward and downward movements are improbable? Or is it just downward movement?

    I'm not being a PermaBear here, I'm just saying that I think the overall trend is still likely to pick up and bounce back in October, but there has been a lot of resistance for the market to move much higher. Not just this quarter, but the last several years. I don't think B.Nanke wants a full-blown recession, just to battle Mr. Inflation, so for the rest of the year, I think we move up slightly after a pause (hopefully). Next 15 months? Probably down. The next 5 years? Probably significantly higher, but not until after a significant ass-droppage.

    Bullish? ...Yes
    Bearish? ...Yes

    Mental? ...Probably...
    #11     Jul 24, 2006