Where is Joe the...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CaptainObvious, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. V.P. candidate? He's MIA, hidden from the press. This is the guy that's supposed to make us all comfortable being a "heartbeat from the presidency". I don't think so. Let's remember that Biden could never get so much as a blip in any of his primary events while running for president. There's a reason for that...the people know he's completely unqualified to be president. Yet the MSM seems to have no problem with this issue.
    If it's OK to talk about Mac being a likely dead in office president, we surely must admit that Obama is at risk as well. If you're uncomfortable with Palin being a heartbeat away, you must, if you're intellectually honest, be just as fearful of Biden being a heartbeat away. I know it's a stretch asking radical lefties to be intellectually honest.
  2. They got a new one now.... "Tito the construction worker" he was on FOX ... wears shades all the time..... McCain figures if you attack Tito, then you are a racist.

    Hey McCain..... SCREW YOU AND TITO and Joe the pumber too!
  3. In 4 years you'll be saying "Hey Obama..... SCREW YOU AND..."
  4. If he does a bad job..... absolutely!
  5. TGregg


    I don't know how people can be comfortable with any of these jokers in office. Or any of the other recent nominees: Bush, Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Dole, McCain, Obama, Biden and Palin. If I were running a POTUS search committee and that's all we had so far - the Oval Office would still be empty.

    Problem is, anybody with strong ability to run the executive branch already has a much, much, much better job in the private sector with more authority, a lot more money and a whole lot less of all the crap you have to deal with as POTUS. Even if you could hand the job on a silver plate to your pick, no top notch talent would take it. But we can't even do that, no they must campaign. And after that long, expensive nasty-@$$ campaign where they practically have to give BJs for campaign donations all day, they only have about a 50% chance of getting the job that really isn't worth it.
  6. BRAVO for an intelligent, reasonably accurate and objective posting! I knew you had it in you!